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New to SWL and DXing


Mar 25, 2012
Hello, I'm new to the world of SWL and DXing. If any out there could give some tips on finding stations in other countries, I would appreciate it

Some tips?
Sure . . .

The time of day/night will be a big variable when listening.
Also, those frequencies you listen to are somewhat dependent to daylight/solar conditions.
No antenna/long wire is too long for SWL; goes for DXing too . . .
Welcome mr DX ; I went to your public profile too find out what i could about you & your set-up ? Things like location , equipment , antennas etc; to determin what i can offer in advice ? If you have a ssb radio that has a bfo or usb & lsb positions that open up areas of certan bands also a simple homebrew long wire antenna helps . A little more info in your profile might help you recieve info from others in their replys . Most of what i listen to as a swl is in the ham bands & i will give you a basic list as such ,,,,,, 28.0 to 29.7 mhz in 10 meter band usb am&pm , 27.4 to 28 mhz above 11 mtr am&pm usb&lsb , 25.6 to26.1mhz 12mtr am usb , 21,4 to21.8mhz 13mtr am usb , 21.0 to 21.4 15mtr am usb , 18.068 to18.168 17mtr am usb , 14.0 to 14.350 20mtr am&pm lsb , 7.1 to 7.350 40mtr am&pm lsb , 3.6 to 4.0 80mtr am&pm lsb , 2.3 to 2.4 120mtr pm lsb , 1.8 to 2.0 160mtr pm lsb . Remember am is refferance to day time & pn as nite time their is also some am band hams active i hear sometimes on 40mtr & 80mtr bands from my location in ontario canada . Hope this info will help you in the dx world & at 13 years old you will find alot of good info here others have too offer ! All the best ,,,,,,,, Bob, "Cordova Lucky 13".
Welcome mr DX ; I went to your public profile too find out what i could about you & your set-up ? Things like location , equipment , antennas etc; to determin what i can offer in advice ?QUOTE] Ok, sorry I didn't reply sooner (busy with school) I have a Kaito KA1102 (Great Radio) along with an extension antenna coming out of my bedroom window. I also use a notebook to log my findings, and I'm in Montana
and reception is great up there. I have gotten Canadian stations along with some Spanish stations and English of course. also I have an AM station that I catch every night on 1660 KHz it's a Tejano station but when I look it up I get nothing so if you can help me with that to that would be great. And yes I do use Radio Locator.
Hi mr DX ; the ka-1102 sounds like a good rig to start with , has good reviews & has ssb . I can,t help out with the am ststion you,ve listed as i focus on ssb ham bands that i listed in first post . Not sure how many swl sites you,ve checked out but one i would recomend is google hcdx.com it has alot of grate info , also check out their long-wire antenna info . Also google homebrew swl longwire antenna for info sites theirs alot of info on antennas that you can homebrew for very little ca$h ? A good antenna is required to catch the dx-stations . all the best Bob "cordova lucky 13".
I would not recommend using a longwire on your 1102 as they tend to overload easy.I would not go over 20' -25' of wire.

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