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One programing file for mobiles and HTs


Aug 5, 2012
In the interest of keeping things simple it would be nice if all of my VHF/UHF radios: base, mobiles, HT had all the memories programed the same. This adds up to a lot of data with frequency, alpha, tone, etc.
I know many radios have programming software and cables so they can be programmed by computer. Do any of the manufacturers use the exact same software for all of their radios? Can I create one data file and download it to each radio anytime I need to add a repeater or something?
I realize they would all need to be the same brand, that's a given.
I've never used any of the programming software (just did it the old fashioned way) so I'm not familiar with how universal it is.

Thanks for your help.

RT Systems is the software company you need. They build applications for just about every rig and the files are interchangeable. It's a little more expensive cost than the alternatives, but they do save you from some headaches.
One software program that does all radios? No, not really, just too many different radios and programming 'styles'. I seriously doubt if you will ever get the majority of manufacturers to do it all 'one way'.
There is a program called 'Chirp' that can transfer information such as channel number, frequency, etc, etc, between programs. But, it certainly isn't compatible with all programs. 'After market' companies like 'RT Systems' does produce programs that are easier to 'cross-program' systems, but there's a limit to their 'usability' for a number of reasons. 'RT Systems' uses a proprietary cable (or did, I understand it's not so now).
I think the best that can be done is to make a list of frequencies in a standard format, or a 'standard' list of frequencies, and use that as a guide for your various radios. I've done that with mine. It's not exactly the same between all radios but it's 'close'. I make random changes every once in a while and am too lazy to standardize all of them.
If you should ever find such a thingy, tell me about it! :)
- 'Doc
Thanks guys, I check out RT systems.
I never expected "all radios" to use the same program across manufacturers. I know that will never happen. That's why I acknowledged in the question they would have to be the same brand.
It sure seems like a manufacturer could use the same program for their HT, mobile, and base radios. But then I guess they'd only sell 1/3 as many programming cables.
For what it's worth, the Kenwood MCP series sofware has a function that allows you to export the programed memories from the HT software and load it into the mobile software and vice versa. I've done this between MCP-4a (HT)and MCP-2a (mobile).

I've heard good things about the RT Systems software but have yet to put my hands on it.
I recently used CHIRP to program a couple of HT's. I have to say it's a darned good program, and very easy to use. Best of all, it's free.

Home - CHIRP

Check the site to see if your rigs are listed as supported.

I thrid CHIRP, used it to program Baofengs, Kenwoods, Yaesus and Wouxuns, finally all of my rigs have the same channel setup with little to no effort :)

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