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Ordered a Maco M105HV dual polarity Maxi beam

Mr Clean

Active Member
May 21, 2005
Ordered one of these today along with a Yeassu G-800SA rotator. Have been hearing Maco may be closing if someone does not buy it. Anyone ever use this beam. Getting it from R@L Electronics. This antenna has a yagi reflector which may not be quite as good as a quad But I didnt want to have to mess with the wire. Still looking for tower and have to get some extras but hoping to get it up soon.

Don't think I'd worry about the wire 'quad' reflector, they aren't what they are cracked up to be. Have fun with the tower (probably the least expensive part of the whole deal). :)
- 'Doc
Mr Clean said:
Ordered one of these today along with a Yeassu G-800SA rotator. Have been hearing Maco may be closing if someone does not buy it. Anyone ever use this beam. Getting it from R@L Electronics. This antenna has a yagi reflector which may not be quite as good as a quad But I didnt want to have to mess with the wire. Still looking for tower and have to get some extras but hoping to get it up soon.

maco closing because of an antenna...lol ya ok

and a quad, well for your best bet just try the 2 and you will see what the difference is :)
Maco closing because of an antenna. He wants to sell the company not the antenna you mental midget. :LOL: Im Confused? What do you mean lords? The guy that owns Maco is 78 and wanting to retire. And are you saying a 2 element quad will out talk a 5 element Yagi? I dont think so but thats OK! Peace!
Mr Clean said:
Maco closing because of an antenna. He wants to sell the company not the antenna you mental midget. :LOL: Im Confused? What do you mean lords? The guy that owns Maco is 78 and wanting to retire. And are you saying a 2 element quad will out talk a 5 element Yagi? I dont think so but thats OK! Peace!

Mental Midget...what you ride the short buss I said try the 2 and see whats up!!
theres more then a 2 element quad...you live in a closet or what:p
Maybe a Quad is a fuzz better on paper. Maybe they work better in the field. But im sure a yagi will suit my needs quite nicely and stay up there alot better than a quad. Have a friend with a 4 element yagi and he talks to people I cant hear on my groundplane. And I talked to him from my mobile from about 65 or 70 miles. If you are willing to buy me a 5 element quad I will test them so you can see what a dumba$$ I was for buying this peice of crap antenna . lol: I see you run a 3 element beam. Is it a Quad? And the only reason I called you a mental midget is because you tried to make me out as a retard thinking I was saving Maco by buying 1 antenna. Now as Rodney King said so well after getting pounded by police. Why cant we all just get along. :) Just having some fun Lords. Its no biggie. Peace!
Mr Clean said:
Maybe a Quad is a fuzz better on paper. Maybe they work better in the field. But im sure a yagi will suit my needs quite nicely and stay up there alot better than a quad. Have a friend with a 4 element yagi and he talks to people I cant hear on my groundplane. And I talked to him from my mobile from about 65 or 70 miles. If you are willing to buy me a 5 element quad I will test them so you can see what a dumba$$ I was for buying this peice of crap antenna . lol: I see you run a 3 element beam. Is it a Quad? And the only reason I called you a mental midget is because you tried to make me out as a retard thinking I was saving Maco by buying 1 antenna. Now as Rodney King said so well after getting pounded by police. Why cant we all just get along. :) Just having some fun Lords. Its no biggie. Peace!

see there you go thinking out Loud again I wasn't trying to make you out to be nothing or meant nothing by anything I said

and yes checks in the mail...and if it don't fit, acquit!..lol
I built a 5 element quad back awhile ago and it worked great
you can convert any beam to a quad,and then back again with no harm:)
Maco closing over an antenna lol ya right. I would say that is putting me on the not so smart list. But I am done now. Have a great day!
Quad antennas

For those who have never used a quad you dont know what your missing.

Yes they are a pain to put together, yes they can be horrible to tune. Yes it requires you to THINK about tuning and construction, rather than: place rod A into rod B....etc.

The other side of the coin is:

They can put out a signal that NO other antenna will compete with...... period.
They can hear signals that NO other antenna can dig out of the noise... period.

Better than a yagi at the same boom lenght?? Yup
Better than a yagi at a lower antenna height? Yup
As good as a yagi with one less element??? Yup

Build one today, and learn
SE quad

I had a SE quad and I believe in quad antennas and they are the best but I never could get the swr down. I went up the tower down the tower. up down, up, down , up ,down, finaly lowered the tower went all back threw the instructions checked rechecked. 4 days I worked on it. I have built every antenna just about made and never had so much frustration. Got so mad I just gave up before it wone and I trashed it, swr was good 1.1 in 28.005 Tried to set it just like instructions said and 1.7 on ch 40. but I talked on ch 4 and by the time I got to 4 it was a 2.3 or so.on hor-ver both I'm trying to learn more before I get another one. is a cubex quad antennas any Good? More user friendly.
Driven element sounds Short too me

I had a SE quad and I believe in quad antennas and they are the best but I never could get the swr down. I went up the tower down the tower. up down, up, down , up ,down, finaly lowered the tower went all back threw the instructions checked rechecked. 4 days I worked on it. I have built every antenna just about made and never had so much frustration. Got so mad I just gave up before it wone and I trashed it, swr was good 1.1 in 28.005 Tried to set it just like instructions said and 1.7 on ch 40. but I talked on ch 4 and by the time I got to 4 it was a 2.3 or so.on hor-ver both I'm trying to learn more before I get another one. is a cubex quad antennas any Good? More user friendly.

The Reason You Could Not Get The SWR The Antenna Driven Element is too Short probably .5 inch too 1 inch short for 11 Just right for 10 meters soo try this & See if it doesn't work & Cubex is a Very Good Antenna ! good luck !(y):LOL: & By the way if you get rid of it I'd Be Interested
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se quad

Thanks man I called the tec and they told me to run a pig tail from the ground feed-shield side to the U bolt on the mast pipe. But that made it worse. I told them I think they shorted me some wire, or it never got streched all the way. I know low bands need more feed or a longer drive element. And hi band is shorter wire or shorter drive element. I just didn't want to think I paid for something that was wrong from the get go and mess it up more. But we are on the same page. Thanks again I'll add some more next weekend. I just had to walk away from it for now. And I never give up. I like this stuff to much.....but I hate spelling ,no spell check hmmm
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What quad would you run a cubex or SE quad? I never ran a cubex quad before. Do you know any thing about them. As how they are on feeding the match on the wire? I want a 1.1 swr or I'm not going to be ok with it. I had a SE and it wouldn't tune in out of the box. It was only good in 10 meters.
what is the best quad

I started out with a pdl2 and loved it. And now I'm finding out it is junk beside a true quad. I have a couple of questions about them. Cubex quad has no veticle or horizontal cotrol it only has one coax. Witch is best? SE quad can be switched hor or ver. When I called cubex they said it will hert the performance and cause swr problems. So will the cubex work good talking local or will I lose some signal because I'm talking off the diamond only. No vert or hor to switch. I'm confused.

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