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push poles

id run a ground wire from a mounting bolt that holds antenna to mast down nto
a 9ft grounding rod no matter if its a pushup pole or tower.8 guaGE will work
but there are better.
braided copper wire
flat 1/2 inch bare copper wire.[wide]] this is probaly the best imho
i dont know were to find the last two though.my local lowes and home depot
donty carry them
Well got the fiberglass pole up today. Radio is working fine without the grounding cable or wire I was going to use.

The pole itself is a bit on the weak side. I'll definitely need to guy this pole if I go beyond the 20ft mark. Right now it's like a large fishing pole. :)

30ft like I wanted is going to be out of the question with this pole. Until they come out with the larger diameter lower portions of the pole. I was told they were making larger diameter poles for the bottom sections soon. So, I guess I'll have to wait till they come out.

I sure had a hard time putting on the Pl-259 connectors though. :) But, I guess I did it right , or else it wouldn't be working. LOL :)
Nothing new, just some stray thoughts.

It's almost always easier to 'over-do' things to start with, rather than having to 're-do' things later. Sort of a variation on the better safe than sorry thingy.

You (I) never think of everything when doing stuff. There's always something that I didn't think of till it was very evident that it ain't there when I need it. That's where the famous "Aw Sh^+!" expression comes from, right?

There is no such thing as 'The Best', only what's best for you in whatever particular circumstances it happens to fall into. So, make the 'best' of whatever you happen to have. The results can be very surprising (good , not bad, then again, bad isn't ruled out completely, sort of).

Don't like guy wires? Me either, but they are facts of life. So what can you turn those @#$ things into that might be something you/I do like? Make antennas out of them. Really strong antennas of course. Will it work? Sure, just real variable as to quality. So what. Better than just the same old guy wires. (Also can draw attention away from other goofs associated with the whole thing, very handy!)

Do some research about that 'free standing tower' thingy. I think that's a better idea than a push-up pole, but then it's got it's own set of things to worry about.

See? Nothing new at all.
- 'Doc
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