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Sign of the times?

It is surprizing that how strict Radio Shack was when they sold the HTX-10 and 202 that they be manufactured to not be able to be expanded that they now sell an export that is designed to expand-

As many people will know the 200 GTL-DX is marketed for the Amateur Radio sector to licensed ham operators so they can run this kind of power legally, however 10 meter radios are more often opened up and used by CB operators due to their easy to convert nature. The manufacturer is fully aware of this and makes the process easy to do for "export" use. Let's face it, how many ham operators would consider using the Echo function of the Cobra? Exactly. Now you see the main line of customer for the new 200 GTL-DX. It's basically a CB at heart and that's how we like to review these types of radio.

Now will Radio Shack be the next dealer on the FCC hit list ?
They use this disclaimer-

The 150 GTL DX and the 200 GTL DX comply with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference. Further information can be found at the FCC website http://fcc.gov or the ARRL website http://arrl.org.

Transmitting using this radio requires an Amateur Radio License. Licensing information can be obtained by visiting www.fcc.gov or http://arrl.org. In Canada, visit http://strategis.ic.gc.ca or http://www.rac.ca
The 150 GTL DX and the 200 GTL DX comply with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference. Further information can be found at the FCC website http://fcc.gov or the ARRL website http://arrl.org.

Transmitting using this radio requires an Amateur Radio License. Licensing information can be obtained by visiting www.fcc.gov or http://arrl.org. In Canada, visit http://strategis.ic.gc.ca or http://www.rac.ca

Wow...two references to the ARRL! This must mean it really, really, REALLY is a Ham Radio. Odd though, it still looks like one of them "non-certificated dual use CBs!!"

As Bill Engvall would say "Here's your sign!!" (or in this case, citation).

OTOH, I guess this really goes to show just how badly Rat Shack has fallen. They don't even check for FCC authorizations on the items they sell...
I guess this really goes to show just how badly Rat Shack has fallen. They don't even check for FCC authorizations on the items they sell...

I just have always heard Radio Shack became quite strict with some of their radios expansion capabilities to accommodate the FCC.
Like I have said before don't be mad at the cber that uses these radios. Be mad at the importers,sellers,mfg's, and the tech's that convert them and continue to fix them.
And the fcc that let the problem get this big in the fitst place.
Radio shack is just a symptom of another problem corp bottom line. Mabe they will get the magic letter from Reilly H to stop selling them and to call the Texas field office. And pay a small fine that they can use at tax time for a deduction.
Than CWM can post it here gloat and get a big laugh but who knows only time wil tell. :D
Keep smiling it only a hobbie.
The hams on QRZ had a witch hunt and the radio is no longer on the web page, try that link originally posted

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