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Crotchety Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2005
Was bored so set up the SSTV again. Had to experiment 'cuz I forgot about how to get things connected. Finally got it going. Only have a 40 meter antenna at the moment so not exactly the best signal on 20 meters, but, it works. Forgot how @#$ addicting this stuff is and am paying for it... again. Oh well, it'll keep me off the streets and out'a the bars. (Until I want new pictures!)
- 'Doc

I do that "boring old men stuff" a lot. Lot's of 'skin', some funny stuff, and I love 'changing' pictures. Never send me one of yourself! Oh, you'll regret that. But that's just some of that "boring old men stuff" you know... :)

- 'Doc
Anyone play with 11 meter SSTV? I know the upstanding hams will kill me for this, but does anyone think it would be fin to get a SSTV frequency going on 11M? Maybe an oddball frequency like 26.700 or 27.600 or something, USB. The only problem is I wonder how many rigs would actually work well with a dozen mods, disabled ALCs, cranked to the max on everything. But those who know how to run a rig would probably have fun with it. These days, with PCs it is easier than ever with MMTV and a dozen other freeware applications.
Anyone play with 11 meter SSTV......

As a matter of fact.... I have played with SSTV and DIGI quite a bit last summer and fall, but all to EU, France mostly. I keep asking myself why it never caught on here, but I know the logical answer. Still that has not stopped thousands of CB'er from using big rigs and amps and any antenna they can get in the air for voice, noise toys, religious speils and to block other legal chit chat any time they so desire, does it?

EU stations use 27.500usb for digi modes and 27.700usb for SSTV. OK, using these "uppers" are more illegal than using digi modes, and will probably draw attention faster, but there are other frequencies that are used, although not as much and those are 27.245usb and 27.305usb.

Anyone who has done the research knows the laws about this, so I won't even go there other than to mention that these laws don't seem to bother most people, or even slow them down. Once the camels nose is under the tent flap, it's too late to keep him out, so again, I wonder why, since it is so easy to do digi or SSTV, more people haven't found an interest in it. Once it got popular, there really would be no stopping it, would there. :tongue:
Anyone play with 11 meter SSTV? ...

I've been copying 27700khz SSTV using my Yaesu FRG-100 rcvr for nearly a year now. It's surprising how often 11m is open to Europe in the mornings. I'm not saying you'll see SSTV every day, but I've received lots of pics from all over Europe and also south of the US border.
Where I live, EU is a morning thing, it has died by noon my time. But in the last 4 weeks, I am getting nothing here in digi or SSTV. And not much of anything else either. The Spring dead zone is here. :(

I can still get 20M and 40M though and sometimes just tune in to read the PSK-31 signals. Haven't found any SSTV though. I will have to search later on this evening.

Post some of your images. :)
...But in the last 4 weeks, I am getting nothing here in digi or SSTV. And not much of anything else either. The Spring dead zone is here. :(

I can still get 20M and 40M though and sometimes just tune in to read the PSK-31 signals. Haven't found any SSTV though. I will have to search later on this evening.

I've noticed the "dead zone" also, but here at my location it's only been since about the past week. Strange thing is, I can copy EU digi on 28.120mhz nearly all day long but it's been dead on 11m. I think it's more lack of activity than just no propagation. Usually, I don't copy any SSTV on 27.700 in the late afternoon till eve. It's all usually before noon local time, sometimes also early into the afternoon.

I hope conditions improve soon on 11m. It's getting kinda boring with nothing to copy.
I tried looking for SSTV from late afternoon to about 8pm on 10, 11, 15, 17, 20 and 40 meters. Found nothing at all. I did find a fair amount of PSK-31 on 15, 17 and 20 though. 10 meters had CW. So I assume propagation is not dead, just 11 meters is dead through lack of interest.
You might try 7.136(?) and 14.230, there's almost always someone on 20 m. And the digital stuff on 14.233...
- 'Doc
You might try 7.136(?) and 14.230, there's almost always someone on 20 m. And the digital stuff on 14.233...
- 'Doc

I was monitoring 14.230usb for awhile, but there was nothing there. 40M I just kind of rolled through looking for signals. Mostly though, I depend on PSK Reporter to find them. I know it's not getting every signal, but it gives me a starting point. It sure seems suspiciously empty these days though. :thumbdown:
You might try 7.136(?) and 14.230, there's almost always someone on 20 m. And the digital stuff on 14.233...
- 'Doc

"most" 40 meter analog is on 7.171, however, I can only remember a very few times I actually heard anyone on 40 meter analog. there is some european digital on this freq also.

7.173 is U.S. digital

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