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Still a work in progress...

Update: 8/20/18 3:30am woke up to wife freaking out. Heard a very close lightning strike. All equipment was unhooked but I got up anyway to check things out.. half asleep everything seemed ok in the house & no bad smells that I could notice. The next morning I went outside and looked up.. bummer...
so the Imax blackened and split like a banana. It came to rest on the 13b2 and tweaked a couple elements but nothing that cant be fixed. NO damage to any radios. Only lost 1 power supply, son's tv, roku, and obviously the imax and 120ft feed line. All other antennas and rotor checked out ok...so far... as far as I can tell the tower grounds worked for the most part.. could've been a lot worse.. Just as I'm ready to expand and try some new antennas before winter sets in.. 1 step forward and 2 steps back (n)


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But truth is, antenna work in winter months is the only true way to do it. Trust me. ;)
So true.. been the guy on the tower with numb fingers. Just couldn't wait for warmer weather and sometimes gloves get in the way. The other day one of my local simplex guys made the comment about putting up a new antenna during some very nice weather we had recently. I told him to wait til January or at least til sub freezing temps come...It will work better. :D
That's just Brutal - nice work on the removal - re-install.

Seeing the above pic with the SIZE of the Coil in the IMAX - then the mess with the pandemic - your absence got us worried and to see this - WOOF.

Glad the problem is taken care of.
That's just Brutal - nice work on the removal - re-install.

Seeing the above pic with the SIZE of the Coil in the IMAX - then the mess with the pandemic - your absence got us worried and to see this - WOOF.

Glad the problem is taken care of.
Well the Imax got hit and split like a banana and folded over. It was laying in my 2 meter beam. I went up with a telescopic tree pruner and cut down the majority of it. But inorder to get to the base of it I had to lower the mast and deal with a couple of beams. I just left it til my interests changed. Got bored with HF for now.. figured I would grid chase. Love the summer tropo and the higher bands...

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