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The ramifications of going ham.

:D :shock: :D :shock: I have to say CW that was without a doubt the best post I have had the plesure of reading lately bar none. And to think that you having survived a half a century only to be derided by someone governed by FEAR would have the class to give solid examples of what made this country what it is today,not only the good times but the CHANGEING times as well!! BRAVO!!! :D :D :D

Hee Hee ! I loved it CW ! :D Man, that brought back some memories.Remembered about all that stuff. Made me think about how we use to sit in the dining room all night singing and playing guitars. Going out at night with my dad with a flashlight and a soup or coffee can lookin' for night crawlers and sitting on the river bank fishing most of a night.Life was carefree and lots to do Ah, yes the good ole days. I forgot he called us "gramps", just found out my 6th grandchild is on the way ! :D
Well this "old bird" better head off to bed got to get up at 5:30 as I'm an "early bird" :D

Charley and Sonwatcher,

We have had our disagreements, of course, but I want to thank you both!! :D My daughter at 19 thinks I am a 'gramps" and I wish I could truly show her the life that I had in the late 50's and 60's! I am certain that we all would truly benefit if there were such a thing as a "time" machine so we could go back--even if it were only for a short peek at the wonderful days of America back then. For me, I am fearful that we are losing it and truly have lost that "dream" and that spirit.
I reckon the Statler Brothers ("Oh do we, do we remember these---Howdy Doody and tutti fruiti and the seam in the back of her hose. Or Studebaker and 4 foul balls yer out. Lordy, how happy I am I DID live back then and we did have GREAT fun under the watchful eyes of our parents and the stern gaze of old Mrs Biggerstaff in 2nd grade (she'd make you hold your hand out palm-up and paddle it with a ruler OUCH!!!! Did that ever hurt. But, you know what? It didn't 'bruise my psyche one little bit" and proved the 'experts' wrong. We DID gain character with a paddling here and there and i don't remember my Dad ever leaving a mark on me with that belt he used on me! ("Son, this hurts me worse that it does you to have to whip you"---just not in the same place!!! :D

I like to restore old cars, fly in old airplanes, mess with old Jeeps (in addition to radio). Currently, I have a 1931 Model A Ford in the paint shop (I did the mechanical work) being stripped of about 5 layers of paint. Tho I wasn't around in '31,
I love to preserve history and this happens to be the current project! I truly hope that as we move thru the 21st Century we don't forget the places America has been. For like building blocks, our future is built on the history we have made. If we forget the resolve, the character, the morality of that time, we are doomed. I just hope that doesn't happen. Today's attitude of Americans fills me with a sense of quiet worry. I just hope I am wrong as to where I think it is leading us.

Thanks again for your comments!! :D

Yepper ! Boy do I remember those belts ! :shock: :D I think I made my dad more mad the way I ran around in circles to get away from it :LOL: I was running with one arm in his hand for my life round and round while he was getting dizzy and frustrated he was missing the mark LOL but then a firmer hold took place and I was on the business end of a bad day ! :D But I'll tell ya what. I never talked back to my dad. That was just the way it was. When he spoke we listened and yes it built character.I remember the first time I cussed in front of him I was married and still felt bad. Back then if you got in trouble at school you got in trouble at home and the principal had a paddle and was allowed to use it. :shock: I'm thankful for the discipline as it kept me out of a lot of trouble.Again, a great time and a fun time. Didn't need a gameboy to keep you occupied :D Heehee,now days they sneek around to smoke a joint,back then we snuck around and smoked a grape vine and burned your tongue so bad you couldn't taste food for a couple days. Ah well it's good to think back :D
I am sorry cw morse but what does all of that prove?

you had a good time . It was the best of times. So what. What is your point? Are you trying to impress or brow beat someone? It aint going to work sir. Neither of you two pinheads have done anything to disprove anything what I have said because you both are ignorant. Ignorant of your real history and ignorant about what this world is really all about. You both are fools. You are foolish ignorant men. You know, I don't know if you two guys have broadband or not, but if you don't please get it and start doing some reading on things and it is going to take a long time and it will not happen overnight. The internet is a excellent research tool .I suggest you use it while you still can instead of hanging around here all the time trying to impress someone. If either of you gentlemen want to debate anything of value with me, then by all means give it your best shot. Otherwise do not insult me by calling me stupid things like anti semetic and comparing me to others. Until you learn your real history and not what was taught you in government schools, until you learn how you have been sold out by these people we call politicians, until you learn the real relationship we have with this land called Israel at this time, then you folks are blind and ignorant but go ahead , and slap each other on the back and tell each other how great you are, it doesn't bother me. I have been on some republican and democrat blogs many times and it is all the same. Hard headed, foolish, ignorant people thinking they know everything when they know nothing , and attempting to downplay the message of truth. This is your karma boys. This is you. I have long ago let such things go for it is a lost cause attempting to change your minds. So many years of television and other brain washing tools have left their mark. It is quite apparent. But if you chose to embark on this argumentation method that you are using I leave you with one passing thought. If you were a betting man, which ideas would you bet on? Mine or yours? Would you be willing to bet your lives on it? Like I said only time will tell and the real truth will come out soon enough. I would say in some cases I might want to say to you in that day, that I told you so, but unfortuntately it will not be funny , nor will there be time to do such foolish things. Enjoy your so-called comedy now and relish what time we have left in this communist system we call the good ole USA and remember this. One day you two twits will be standing there in the camps wondering what happened to you or perhaps you both will be rats and tories living in your houses and being left alone by the police state because of your ratting activities which would include informing on malitia movements or patriots thinking that somehow what you are doing is patriotic, but the caveat to that is this. We all know what happened to them in the revolution if they were caught. They were hung of course .
"brain washing tools"
Ignorant,twit, pinheads

Anymore childish names ? This shows the attemps of someone to argue by name calling and attacking because of their insecurities. You sir appear to be the one brainwashed. You sit and feed on that Nazi garbage till it has poisoned your brain and tongue. By some suttle hints you gave I am going to guess that you are one of those that claims the Holocaust never took place. I do research things. You apparently just sit and feed on the garbage you spew.I'm not arguing with a person so full of vile.Like I said you speak like you popped out of "The Turner Diaries" You are filled with hate and despare and it must be are dark valley you have yourself in.
Reminds me of an Uncle who smoked Florida Queen cigars and I would swipe one now and then and go down to the river and puff away while fishing. Somebody gave him a box of King Edwards, and I slipped in and got me one. Down at the riverbank dreaming I was Huck Finn, I started feeling kinda woozy and my skin got clammy. I was SICK! :shock: I musta been green as a dollar bill when I went home and Mom noticed.
"No, Mom", I burped, "Musta been sumpin' I et"!

She didn't let on, but she probably suspected I had been smokin'. I never touched a King Ed for the REST of my life! :p I smoked cigarettes and cigars for years (I quit several years ago), and never got sick on a cigar. But, nosiree! I wouldn't have nuttin' to do wid no King Edward Cigar!

But those were, indeed, the days. Didya ever take a watermelon, cut it in half and set the rind under your Dad's car wheel? As michievous kids, we LOVED to see a car "git a wheel", so we played tricks like the watermelon rind under the back tire to see the grownups spin their wheels wondering what the heck was the matter (for a short time)-until the rind wore down to the gravel. Mrs Morgan thought her '49 Ford had burned up her clutch when, one summer day at Bible School, we jacked up her car (her son and my best buddy was my co-conspirator) and set a scooped-out rind under her tire. We fell out laughing, and she was a good sport, relieved that there was nothing wrong with her car.

Or the time, Junior Morris bought a new '57 Chevrolet and brought it up where the men were working on the church roof to show it off. Junior was the typical leather-jacket, black-haired "Rebel without a Cause" always combing his hair like you-know-who. He backed the car down the long driveway, and without looking back or pausing to see his way clear, slammed the car in Drive and floored it. I was 9 years old, and was awed to see this car scream and moan with tires howling and literally covering the rear end of the car in smoke. He dug two
trenches in the asphalt that stayed there for 15 years until the road was re-paved. I stopped by one day around 1972 when I was long grown and walked out to see if those marks were still there. Junior was the James Dean of my community, and when he made those marks, THIS 9 year old was impressed! :D Cars simply didn't DO that in 1957.

Many, many memories!! OH, it was also about the time I was listening to my Dad's 1940 Philco cabinet radio with the shortwave band and getting interested in radio. You never know what will stick with you over the years!

Funny how arguments are focused on insignificant details and not the larger picture. I'm not one who believes in a ZOG, or any of that. I'm a member of a Jewish civil rights organization (JPFo_Org). But if I was to say that the Jews control the weather, and point out an approaching tornado, what part would be important to you? The coming destruction and taking cover, or my mislableing of its creation?

Funny how the same period of time CW mentions, you could buy a firearm in almost any store, by mail, in some gas stations, without proving you're not a criminal, you could board a plane with out being a suspected terrorist, no roadblocks to check "your papers", no "no knock warrants", I could go on and on.

Do you see a trend?
again I say, cw morse and sonwatcher

you two guys are ignorant and do not know anything. You can sit there and say what you want, but the point still stands. I do not waste my time on nazi stuff sir. This shows how little you really know. What does any of what I said have to do with nazi stuff? You are afraid of what I say because you are afraid of what it means. It means that the little world you have made for yourself is in danger of caving in. Again I say sirs, I am not your enemy. It is your communist government that is your enemy. One day you shall be dragged kicking and screaming into the the real world instead of living in the fantasy of the matrix. Somebody said something about they do their research. Sir I highly doubt it. Try again. If you have done any research you would not disagree with one statement I have made in any area. But this proves to me that you have not . Yet you say you have. I cannot remain silent in the face of this nonsense. I say again if you wish to debate me on any of these issues I shall be more than capable of hanging you bozos out to dry. It is up to you. We can sit here and trade silly post or we can get down to the serious business of learning. But be warned. I am not going to back off and I never quit. So that being said, it is up to you. I find your post to be quaint and funny to you I guess but highly off point. You can make all the accusations you want but the fact remains. Yes Bush is a puppet of the zionist. Just who owns the federal reserve bank boys that prints that funny money that is in your wallets that is worth nothing? What is money? Can you answer that? What was the real reason for world war 1 ,world war 2, korea, vietnam and Iraq1 and Iraq2. What is a neocon? How did the bush family come by its wealth on hamsters? Shall I continue? Boys answer my questions and we shall continue this marvelous incursion into wwrf excellence. Come on now don't be shy.
Well bubble I can say as a member of the force that ousted Sadam in 1991 that the reason *I* went had to do with the responsibilty I feel I have to humanity.In that if I were to say see someone stomping you into the ground, I would like wise place myself in harms way to help you.Not because I like you but because you are a human being and I feel I am duty bound to HELP my fellow humans.Now you can spout off all you want why YOU think we went but that sir IS WHY *I* went.


sonwatcher old buddy, you need to do some more reading sir. Jewish researchers not me, now, have stated that the holocaust maybe a complete fraud. There was no gassing of jews during ww2 ,etc. cyklon b gas was used for delousing. and there was not gasing of jews taking place, this is confirmed by much research. I think there were jews killed in the camps for one reason or the other, but they were being used as slave labor for the german war machine. The germans did not have enough precious fuel to burn bodies like they said about those oven things. This is something I am struggling with at this time. I have not been able to confirm or deny the holocaust. But at this time my readiings on the subject have been limited as now I am more into learning how to deal with the problems at hand concerning our economic system and how we as human beings relate to the merchant statute law system we have in place now. I want to learn how to be freer than I am because there is much money being made off of us right now in so many ways you cannot believe. I as the real holder in due course should be cashing in on some of this activity but the fact that I am ignorant at this time in this area is precluding me from doing so. I am at present learning about bonds, bills of exchange, international treaties etc. So unfortunately I can only tell you of some of the things I have read in the area of the holocaust. But there are jewish scholars and researchers that have emphatically stated that it was a sham. Their words not mine. and it is a holocaust industry that the state of Israel uses to extort money out of Europe and the United States.
charley marbles

well if you went to gulf war 1, then unfortunately I have to say to you that you were duped and you were used. There is no other way to say it. It had nothing to do with anything but two things then as it does now. Those two things are this. To put down a strong Arab state that was becoming increasingly annoying to the state of Israel and for oil. This is it. There is no other way to say it. But the strange thing about this is this. Sadaam was our boy. We made him. He was friends with the Bushes. Yet even friends have falling outs. and so it goes. As so many times this happens, when we create these men they suddenly get the big head and think they can do things on their own and forget who made them. So we moved to get rid of Sadaam. This worked out good for Israel. Their views on it where why not let someone else do your fighting for you? So this is what is happening now. Israel is behind this thing with Iraq and we are there being used as their chumps to do their dirty work for them and they are getting most of the oil through the oil piplelines that are going to Israel right now that have been of course reopened. Believe it or not, it is up to you. I am sorry that this has happened to you. I am sorry you were used. I am sorry that we as American have allowed ourselves to be used in this fashion and after 50 years of television brainwashing and dumbing down in our schools, we have the result now. We have a populace that is ignorant of any really good information. We have a poplulace that is passive and uncaring ,and not really paying any atttention to what is going on. This is the result we live with now. So many of your brothers and sisters have died since Gulf war 1 and I trust you know the real reason for this. I wonder if you have any illnesses as a result of the things that happened over there? Our troops receive these poisonous injections that have all kinds of bad things in them. Our troops breathed all manor of bad things in Iraq and still do today. How many have died from gulf war 1 now ? I heard it is in the area of over 12,000 men and over a hundred thousand are sick and the va would not even admit to the problem until rather recently. And finally let us not forget the problem with du. Depleted unranium sir. It has a half life of 4.5 billion years and how many tons of it have been used in Iraq? How many in Afghanistan? How many in Serbia? We go around using this stuff and it is highly toxic and radioactive and when used it cannot be cleaned up. Our troops breath it. The winds carry it here and there all over the world. It is here now. It can never be made to go away. Is that clear? It can never go away. So why do we use it if it so dangerous? Your guess is as good as mine but I think it is a plan. The plan I think is to use American troops all over the world to do the bidding of the new world order and while they are at it , they will make you guys sick and when you get out you will not be able to fight against them. And while you all are away they will send foreign troops here to 'keep the peace' so to speak which is what is happening right now in New Orleans. They figure that foreign troops will shoot americans much faster than american troops will. You be the judge. charley I think you know some truth but you are not fully there yet. Chew on this and let me know what you think. Remember I am not your enemy. I am for you one hundred percent. The message is a bad one and is not pleasant but I can only tell you what I know. I at one time believed in this government and I believed in what we were doing and I believed in the president. But no more.

Also one more thing charley marbles. those feelings of yours are nice but think about this. Why would a modern highly technical army, the best in the world go over to that area and pick on a third rate army in a third rate country. If they were so bad , how come the war only lasted a hundred days? The whole damn thing was a turkey shoot and you know it. What was the reason for your presense there? What was it really? To help people? Hardly sir. It is easy to couch your views in your feelings but is this logical? Is this realistic? No it is not. You are hiding from the truth. Many veterans cannot bring themselves to see the truth because it just hurts too much. This is just like the english and their ideas about the 2 million plus cameras they have in London now. When asked about the cameras by alex jones a few weeks ago, one of them told him that they chose not to 'see' the cameras and told themselves that they were not there. How can someone not see what is real when the truth and reality is staring him right in the face?
Bubble please do ALITTLE research if you are going to post stuff, the VA has been verry good about health concerns of troops that were in the gulf region during opperation desert storm. I get a news letter every quarter updating me on the findings of ALL gov.AND nongov. studies and no I have not suffered any lasting affectts that I can identify.Also unless you have some tangible evidance that shows this idea of your's as true, then why don't you keep looking for it and suspend the unfunded and inflamitory line of rederick untill such time as you have secured such evidance.It really serves no purpose to throw abunch of disinformation out and post it in such a manner as to lead folks to belive that you have done the research and that what you are posting is infact FACT? I find it hard to belive what you post as some of what you posted is NOT true and I KNOW this because I was there and I don't need to do the research as I LIVED IT!As far as any injections I was NOT givin ANY injection that has not been givin as POM for troops for the last roughly 30years.FALSE statement #1 Air quality was compromised as a result of Iraqui troops destroying oilwellheads in an attempt to cause caos and cover their retreat.False statement #2 the VA started sending the gulf war review out in 1995 thatts ten years ago HARDLY recently?False statement #3DU is used WORLD WIDE on amunition to aid in peircing armor (yes it is a hazordus material)but it is not somthing we as a country are the sole user of and i may add that it is VERRY iffective.Semifalse statement.You Sir are just serving up REDDERICK and I find it funny that you would say some of what you are saying.No I am not a "SHEEPLE" and I would not doubt that there are some in power that are corrupt But be advised that I WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR. I am fully capible of defending that whitch is mine and will if it should come to that (read 4 years in service and never scored less than 48 for 50 with half of my qualifys being 50 for 50)And also having passed the 45bravo unit armor mos cbm.You see IF I need to GET'ER DONE IT WILL BE DONE.


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