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The Worldwidedx.com Amateur Radio Club April Fool's Day Contest has Started!

OK guys, 5:10 PM PST and the Contest is over!
Hope everyone had fun, although I only made 1 Club Contact, I did have a good time on the radio this weekend, and talked to a lot of guys on ten meters that were not club members, and did spread the word about the club.
Let Get the Contacts posted up and see who came out on top of the Pile up LOL

Ya, I got 7 contacts just today on a simple wire dipole. Must say it was fun and also my first time doing a contest ever. Also first time on 10 meters. Had some help from a couple of members which I extend a hardy thank you.
Made alot of non member contacts also.

The only drawback was it was such a beautiful day here in SoCal that I wish my radio was outside. I'll be working on that next. I could take my rig to the local mountains and do the contest from there. That would be perfect!

Thanks Tim for putting this on.

Ed Ash
Wow, thought I had #12 in the 11th hour. The guy even came back to me with "WW Contest". Not a member. $5 says Mole dragged him to .455 to play with me.

Well, if nothing else the Club & site got some exposure. You should see several new sign-ups today from Hams that had never been to the site before.

Another idea for next time... 5 points to a new member and the referring member when we drag one in? Could make it seriously interesting and add a little growth spurt at the same time.
Ed you did great out there! Next time maybe we should join forces and use our "access to elevation" to go set up a monster antenna at 8000'. lol
Us barefoot Techs get a handicap, right? lol

Back in the old EZBoard days, there was a movement to give West coaster`s a 5 point disadvantage during contest`s....or make the guys on the West coast quit several hours early to make it fair on the East coast guys.
I am sure Tim remembers that.

Back in the old EZBoard days, there was a movement to give West coaster`s a 5 point disadvantage during contest`s....or make the guys on the West coast quit several hours early to make it fair on the East coast guys.
I am sure Tim remembers that.


I remember that. The counter argument is that east coast guys get sunrise several hours earlier. Plus there were so many stations coming in from VK land the last couple of days that any club member there could have probably won this thing!

It was fun even though conditions weren't the best, especially today.

The best part of the weekend was letting AcidRod do all the hard work and call CQ all day long while I did other projects and then jump in real quick and pick up the contact too <<More audio>> If this were a serious contest, I would be called a lid and all kinds of other names on the band. That's why I don't do serious contests :laugh:
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Turn out the lights the parties over:whistle:
I would say the idea was a success...even though the band was a little flat

To Mark,Tim and all contesters thanks for the RadioFun:D
New members Welcome!

WV4L...Wayne your an Alligator Station! Heard you all evening...
no contact :headbang

Thanks to all who worked me...
Need Indiana confirmed? I'm good on Qrz logbook or eQsl...
All the Best
I did not get to participate much. I did call CQ and the site name several times with no response back.But as soon as I hooked the old tentec up and started to mess with it. I heard a couple members here calling CQ. Then hook the Kenwood back up and the band would be dead. HI HI Always my luck. But it was good to hear some members out there on the air. Hope to talk to all of u soon.

73 kj4unx
Turn out the lights the parties over:whistle:
I would say the idea was a success...even though the band was a little flat

To Mark,Tim and all contesters thanks for the RadioFun:D
New members Welcome!

WV4L...Wayne your an Alligator Station! Heard you all evening...
no contact :headbang

Thanks to all who worked me...
Need Indiana confirmed? I'm good on Qrz logbook or eQsl...
All the Best


Ed/Crash Ash and I are both newbies. I'm lucky enough to have a Elmer named "Moleculo" near by that shortened my learning curve by a ton. poor old Ed has been fighting to get used to a new FT-897 and it's 20 layer deep menu system, has had nothing but problems with his HF antenna until just the other day and today this was his first weekend on HF. Yesterday, one of his first contacts was a less than pleasant Todd on .425... I imagined him wondering what he'd got himself into.

We spoke on the phone after the contest had ended and you restored his faith. He mentioned how you were flagging down contacts for him and helped him put a few on the board. How you'd make a contact, them send them his way. Good on ya. I think he's feeling a lot better about his investment tonight.

73's and thanks,

Mark, you were right. Gary was a big help to me today and a real good ham. He was my best contact today. It was like he was right next door to me on the radio. Helped me alot. I feel real good about my cheap 10 meter dipole right now. Gary came in strong and so did others today.

Again thanks to everyone that I made contact with today, it was fun. Now the next contest, Mark and I have a plan to elevate our stations to the top of the local mountains and let our cheap dipoles give you a run for your money:love:

Best to all of you, 73's

Ed Ash
Mark, you were right. Gary was a big help to me today and a real good ham. He was my best contact today. It was like he was right next door to me on the radio. Helped me alot. I feel real good about my cheap 10 meter dipole right now. Gary came in strong and so did others today.

Again thanks to everyone that I made contact with today, it was fun. Now the next contest, Mark and I have a plan to elevate our stations to the top of the local mountains and let our cheap dipoles give you a run for your money:love:

Best to all of you, 73's

Ed Ash

Gentlemen: Believe me when I say the pleasure was mine!
I was always glad to "help" out...My Elmer WA9TPZ was brutal...He road me like a borrowed mule...However he taught me more than I'll ever know (SK now 2 yrs this month)...I still miss him on the air...
Yet here I am...I have taught 3/ Novice classes (many yrs ago)...(Thanks to ARRL for killing that!) gave countless exams and helped with my share of antennas...
I never regret a minute of any...
I guess that's why I enjoy Field Day so much...
It's a true pleasure to watch(listen) a new(young) op "Blossom" during an event such as FD...
I heard it yesterday during the event and was damn proud to be a part of that...
Well enuf said!
Work calls...
All the Best

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