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TRC-449 repair

Got the PLL alignment done yesterday. Went to do the transmit alignment and noticed that the meter wasn't moving. Took me a good part of the afternoon but I did get it unstuck without destroying it. Now I just need to figure out what shade of orange needs to go on the needle since all the old paint flaked off.

Now that the meter is working, I can dive into the rest of the alignment.
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Got 'er done and decided to try an on the air test. I can hear other stations but no responses. Conditions sound kind of fecal, so I put the Quad5 on the antenna and confirm that I can hear, but nobody seems to hear me. So, nothing definitive yet on how well it turned out. It seems OK to me, but I don't have to listen to it.
Good for you. Another 858SSB set getting resurrected. Nice piece of work. While you're in there, check out D23 (next to VR7). In the Realistic 858 ssb rigs, a 220 ohm resistor is installed in the D23 location. Replace this resistor with a 1N914 diode. Replace C87 (2uf/25V) with a 10uf/35 volt electrolytic. This will make the 449's limiter the same as all the other 858SSB sets. Really opens up the audio.

- J.J. 399
Got the PLL alignment done yesterday. Went to do the transmit alignment and noticed that the meter wasn't moving. Took me a good part of the afternoon but I did get it unstuck without destroying it. Now I just need to figure out what shade of orange needs to go on the needle since all the old paint flaked off.

Now that the meter is working, I can dive into the rest of the alignment.
Walmart carries this stuff for under $3 a bottle. I got it when playing around with UV LED meter lights.
with my out of focus mask curing UV laser (marketed as a purple cat toy)IMG_20240226_193052541.jpg
Good for you. Another 858SSB set getting resurrected. Nice piece of work. While you're in there, check out D23 (next to VR7). In the Realistic 858 ssb rigs, a 220 ohm resistor is installed in the D23 location. Replace this resistor with a 1N914 diode. Replace C87 (2uf/25V) with a 10uf/35 volt electrolytic. This will make the 449's limiter the same as all the other 858SSB sets. Really opens up the audio.

- J.J. 399
You weren't kidding about it opening up the audio. I had to crank it down to keep it from overmodulating.

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