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Uniden 505xl


W9WDX Amateur Radio Club Member
Sep 13, 2012
Anyone know much about the 505's? I guess they are the "newish" replacement for the 510. SMT boards, as pictured in the review, so maybe harder for someone like me to tweak, but it looks like BellsCB is getting nearly 30 watts out of some of these units. A forum search didn't turn up much info on these as far as I could tell.

CB Radio Magazine's review
Uniden Pro 505 XL CB Radio Review

Bells CB tune up
Uniden Pro-505XL Tune-up Report - YouTube

Thinking of picking one up and tinkering and to have a loaner unit for friends.
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Those 500 series Unidens are decent little radio's for the money. There really is not much to actually tune with them, bump the modulation and tune for peak swing and thats about it. I not real sure about this 30 watt thing but that's ok.
Yeah I don't have to get nearly 30 like the bells video, but it is promising to know that it is possible. I'd like to see what I can get out of these.

I haven't opened one up yet to look, but I've read that there are no modulation pots.
Well I got one of these in yesterday and started looking it over. It really is a small radio with no frills. The cbradiomagazine review indicated that the unit did not have ANL, but I've read elsewhere that it does and it just not switchable and is always on. We shall see. Having the audio/pa jack is nice because you can add talkback easily after you get the covers off, which isn't as straight forward an affair as it is on most other units.

The speaker on this thing sucks. There just isn't an easy way around it. If you were going to use this for an extended period of time, you would probably want an external speaker. The volume control is also not very precise. It seems like that initial 5% turn to take you from very quiet to what you think would be just getting some audio goes from silent to loud, or better yet, noisy. The control just isn't very linear. Receive seems pretty good but of course there is no adjustment other than squelch.

Transmit power actually seemed pretty decent considering the radio. I noticed around 3.5 watts on deadkey, swinging to 8 on a whistle and about 10 on a long AHHHHHHHH. I tried a power mic and an Astatic 636 and the power output remained the same although I can't say what it sounded like on the other end.

Considering how small and light this thing is, I think it would make a great loaner CB for one of your buddies to borrow when you are heading to the trails or when caravaning on a long trip. That is the exact role that it is going to fill for me. I don't want to spoil any of my friends with really nice loaners, because I may never get them back or I may never encourage them to get their own.

With the price of these things, it might not be a bad idea to wire one up with a power port plug and a basic 36" mag mount and throw it in the truck or under seat area on a friend or family members car for emergencies.

These are just my initial thoughts and I'll post up if I find anything as time goes on. Not sure if I will spread L205 or not but I might.
I tried the 636 today while transmitting into a dummy load and monitoring on another cb. I was very surprised that the 636 had a much lower volume that the stock mic. In order to make the 636 as loud on the receiving side as the stock mic, I had to turn up the volume on the receiver. I'm not sure if it is because the amount of modulation is lower, but I did not have the same issue on with the same 636 on my Uniden 68. These will definitely become loaner or beat around radios. They are so small and cheap but they do work fine as long as you aren't expecting big radio power. I would like to know how Bell got so much out of there radio though!
I tried the 636 today while transmitting into a dummy load and monitoring on another cb. I was very surprised that the 636 had a much lower volume that the stock mic. In order to make the 636 as loud on the receiving side as the stock mic, I had to turn up the volume on the receiver. I'm not sure if it is because the amount of modulation is lower, but I did not have the same issue on with the same 636 on my Uniden 68. These will definitely become loaner or beat around radios. They are so small and cheap but they do work fine as long as you aren't expecting big radio power. I would like to know how Bell got so much out of there radio though!
This radio is designed to work with an electrit microphone (stock) and the astatic 636l is a dynamic microphone


From the Uniden catalog this morning

$39.50 at BELLS’ CB (today)
(who recommends either of the two amplified Astatic mic choices).

A new $40 CB plus a new $53 RM ITALY amp? (88Radio website in the twofer deal). Hmmmm, . . .

A new $100 75W Citizens Band Radio.

Amp is 4.25” x 5.00” x 1.50”
Radio is 4.75” x 7.50” x 1.75


Just clamp the amp.

Splice a Workman 3AXXX 12-ga 6’ Power Cord to both using disconnects.

Okay, no SSB, but . . . .

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Does anybody know if these new 505,s have a MOSFET transistor for its final output ?
I was told by 1 person that his new uniden pro505 has a MOSFET possibly an IRF520 i would like to find out for sure before i make a purchase.
Please and thank you from ole Shoog Nasty 1109 bluegrass state

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