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VOACAP - point-to-point propagation predictor ...

Coincidence or good programming? Made contact with a station in south Africa and the chart looked like this ...

Dug this up from a thread on eHam. Seems like a pretty useful tool for predicting DX conditions;

VOACAP Online - professional-grade high-frequency (3-30 MHz) point-to-point propagation predictions

Thanks Mr. Klondike Mike,
Been trying to QSL now into 44 Division for LITERALLY months now!

Never had achieved a QSL yet, even though I know my mobile setup can do it from the Pacific Northwest.

Now I know why it's not happening.....

I'm trying to QSL the wrong time of day!!!!

I have heard others making contact, but they are located on the eastern seaboard, when I am located on the western side of North America AND CQing four hours too early!!!!

Now I know why....

Thanks for sharing this link!


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