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What happened to the HOA vs Amature and Citizen antenna battle


KW4YJ Honorary Member Silent Key
May 1, 2013
Louisville, KY
I remember a while back the was a big hoopla over antennas in Restricted neighborhoods.
I remember the ARRL was going to bat for us in league with the FCC.
Were the HOA's sent packing or did the ARRL and the FCC get spanked?

The Senate killed the bill...by burying it in a committee...

The Amateur Radio Bill had passed the House...but never made it to the Senate floor

01/24/2017 Senate:
H.R.555 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
NO Action since referred to them...
All the Best
Tallman: I doubt the bill ever leaves committee...Spectrum, a Lobby group representing the HOA's and other groups (National Commerce of Homeowners Associations) will see to that. They will do their utmost to see it stays buried till Senate leaves session for the year. Then the bill will have to be reintroduced under new sponsorship and the process started over in both the House and Senate.
The FCC has already dropped any action until mandated by Congress to act.
Either way it will not affect CBer's I believe, as the bill is written especially for holders of Amateur Radio Licenses.
This however remains to be discussed as some of the major sponsors of the bill were Congressman holding Amateur licences.
All the Best
yeah like got my license... but i was told i can not put up antenna. so i use my inverted v dipole. there is always a way around the hoa.
AGREE put it IN the stack, this SENATE is useless, and the republicans in charge, same as DEMOCRATS ...DO NOT DO A THING..just collect huge pay checks.
I think reading the bill that reached the senate would be a very good idea! It is not the same as the bill that passed the house. Getting stalled in committee was very good.
I get around HOA bylaws by not living anywhere with a HOA.

I'm not about to have some group of mental midget busybodies tell me what can or cannot be parked in my driveway, what color my curtains must be, what flags can be displayed (or how to display them), what sort of shrubbery I can have, what I may or may not have in the way of antennas, or any other thing. If I buy the property, I get to make the rules.

I attended a HOA meeting, once. Tallest group of 3 year olds I ever saw.
I get around HOA bylaws by not living anywhere with a HOA.

I'm not about to have some group of mental midget busybodies tell me what can or cannot be parked in my driveway, what color my curtains must be, what flags can be displayed (or how to display them), what sort of shrubbery I can have, what I may or may not have in the way of antennas, or any other thing. If I buy the property, I get to make the rules.

I attended a HOA meeting, once. Tallest group of 3 year olds I ever saw.
Yeah me too. I live in a very small town that don't have any antenna codes and i live in an older home that well, doesn't look like a showplace. LOL
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555 passed the house of representatives, good. Now, read the bill as presented to the senate, it is NOT the same! I hope it doesn't pass.
555 passed the house of representatives, good. Now, read the bill as presented to the senate, it is NOT the same! I hope it doesn't pass.
Amendments: H.R.555 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)
No amendments submitted.

I'm confused, at what point did the wording change?

RE: New Amateur Radio Parity Act Bill Introduced in US House
by KK5JY on January 19, 2017 Mail this to a friend!
As per ARRL, the bill's language is identical to HR1301. That language can be found here:


Please pay particular attention to (3)(b)(1), which does not appear to properly restrict the "notify and obtain prior approval" language to those CA/HOA/CC&R that actively restrict antennas. The language is excessively broad and needs to be fixed prior to passage of the bill.

Edit: I see maybe it needs a change, to become less broad?
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I guess I don't understand the problem, nor do I see a reasonable argument. What part of "no antenna" did you fail to understand as you voluntarily signed your name in agreement?

This is a very good point. I detest HOA's, thus I don't live under them.

As Rushmore points out, though, no one is forced to live under these mini-tyranies. When you buy in, you do so of your own free will. One assumes that the buyer is presented with a copy of HOA bylaws, prior to purchase, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to read and understand those bylaws, before buying the property, as agreement to them is part of the condition of sale.

The one exception would be inheritance. I rented a room from a young woman who inherited her house from her grandfather. Apparently, she had the house for a year, before she was even aware that an HOA existed in that neighborhood; then, she was only made aware by a letter stating that she was violating some bylaw. I think that her lawnmower broke, and she was unable to cut her grass for a couple of weeks.

At any rate, she was not made aware of the HOA, or agreed to any bylaws, before taking possession of the property. Indeed, it's quite fathomable that she didn't even know that there was such a thing as HOA's. I was in my 20's, before I was aware of them, and that was only because my parents lived under one. It just never would have occurred to me that people would voluntarily give up their property rights for the privilege of living in a particular neighborhood. So, perhaps she, and those under similar circumstances, may have a case or an argument, there.

But, if you signed that agreement, while I sympathize with, and fully comprehend, your dissatisfaction, I have to agree with Rushmore; it's on you.

The good news is, you do have the option of finding someone willing to buy your house, and selling it to them. Then you can buy a house in an area more free. I went to the country, myself, and found a much larger chunk of land, and for a far cheaper price. I could build a replica of a space station in my front yard, for use as a ham shack, and the only objection would come from my wife. My neighbors would likely find it to be odd, but outside of saying, "That boy is an odd one", they couldn't do anything about it. Nor, would they want to.
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