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Wouxun KG-UVD1P Software Mod


Ham Radio Nerd
Apr 14, 2002
Here is the software you need to program the Wouxun KG-UVD1P (and other models) for extended transmit and receive.

Download the attached file and rename the file extension to .exe. Simply run it with your interface cable and radio attached. Input valid frequency ranges for both TX and RX for your radio model (check Wouxun KG-UVD1P & KG-UVD2 for info) and download to your radio.

The allowed frequency range variations for the KG-UVD1P are:
2m/440 version
144-148 & 420-450 (TX)
136-174 & 350-470 (RX/TX)
136-174 & 400-480 (RX/TX)
136-174 & 420-520 (RX/TX)
136-174 & 400-470 (RX/TX)
136-174 & 350-470 (RX/TX)
144-146 & 430-440 (RX/TX)
2m/220 version

136-174 & 245-250 (RX/TX)
136-174 & 216-280 (RX/TX)
136-174 & 225-226 (RX/TX)

Note: the software does not have any settings to specify COM port. I had to also open the Wouxun memory editor software, specify the port and then make several attempts to write the frequency ranges until the software figured out which port to use. You just have to fool around with it and it will eventually work.

EDIT: A new version has been attached called 1KG-XXX-unlock.exe. I have verified that this also works on my radio. There are no COM port settings on this version, but if you keep hitting the Read Radio button it finds the correct COM port by trial and error. Once you've found it using the Read function, it will write using the same port. The buttons on the left are translated from top to bottom as "Open File", "Save File", "Read Radio", "Write Radio".

SECOND EDIT: I've replaced the attached 1KG-XXX-unlock.exe with an English translation. I've also provided a direct link to the program for download here: http://www.worldwidedx.com/misc/1KG-xxx-unlock.exe. Note, you're browser may prevent you from download an executable file. In that event, download one of the attached files and rename the .ex_ extension to .exe to run the program


  • Wouxun-Unlock.ex_
    56 KB · Views: 8,177
  • 1KG-xxx-unlock.ex_
    17 KB · Views: 4,671


Ok, I am not understanding how this software will be helping me or the radio. I got it to work, no problem. What is this supposed to do exactly? (Sorry, i am just new to Radio)
It allows you to transmit out of the ham bands, which is necessary for MARS operators.
MARS-unlock success

The app worked fine on the first try. Well, actually it failed to connect twice until I switched the HT's power on...

Remembering Boris Badenov's infamous motto, "Never steal anything small," I tried for the maximum TX/RX range on the 440 band (350-520) and IT WORKED. Those figures represent the upper and lower frequency limits listed, but do not make up one of the prefab combinations in the menu list. Fortune favors the bold, at least in this case.

I have to say, despite a few head-scratching moments over the sometimes quaint and amusing but more often confusing "Engrish" in the manual and in the software apps, the learning curve on this little joint has been remarkably linear, and very short. The interface is unusual, but sharp and intuitive, excepting for the one or two examples of "What were they thinking?"

I've been listening to traffic on a few repeaters all day. The front end seems very sensitive, and even with the foreshortened rubber duckie it comes with, it outperforms the RX on my [Very Well Respected Manufacturer]'s HT out of the box. I have not yet received any signal report except for a few repeater kerchunks, and one or two embarrassing feedback howls here in the shack, when I inadvertently pushed PTT while another radio was on frequency, with the volume up.

I expect to lavish more words of praise on this product once I've tested it some more, but at this time I can say that, for the price, this is one outstanding radio - I want one in every room in my house - and it's going to make some big waves in the rest of the industry. In other words, the big guys with the big price tags are going to get a taste of that sacrosanct "free market enterprise and competition," and will have to fight a little harder now for our dollars.

All the better for us.

PS - RX may be unlocked at will, but *please* don't unlock the TX on your radio unless you know what the heck you're doing. Your eventual mischief will not leave you staring down the barrel of the FCC anymore, but rather the Department of Defense. I hear they have bigger guns.
"The front end seems very sensitive, and even with the foreshortened rubber duckie it comes with, it outperforms the RX on my [Very Well Respected Manufacturer]'s HT out of the box."
Yep, I tested one belonging to a work friend and it showed a 12dB SINAD at -124dBm on both bands ! Given the testset was a ten year old Motorola, which tends to exaggerate slightly in my experience, I think it was more like an honest -123dBm. Very very good IMHO regardless. I suspected the adjacent channel rejection might have been crap therefore, but no it was good too.
So I bought one myself now....

Mines 420-520 on UHF, but I'd like to listen down to 400.
Anybody else used this software yet to do a band extension ?
I'd like to hear a couple more positive reviews before I attempt it as well...

PS. If I can believe the info embedded in the exe file it seems it's from Wouxun..
My KG-UVD1P arrived today and I tested out the software mod. While it did read and write the new band limits, the radio won't actually TX or RX past the original limits (I checked with a power meter and counter).

The factory lower UHF limit was 420.000Mhz and I reset that to 400.000Mhz. While I can now dial up say 419.975Mhz and lower, there is no TX power output. RX is also not working, so it looks like there is more to it than just that bit of SW that I need to know about.
I reset it back to original band limits. At least the software does that...
It worked for me by allowing TX within the ranges specified above. I know it works because I tested on our local MARS repeater. You can't just open the 440 side wide open to say 350-520Mhz, though. You need to use one of the ranges specified above. Like I said, you do have to fool around with it a bit, though.
I have a question regarding this mod. I did the software mod to my ht last night, and it seems to have worked , sorta. Now when I scan the vfo, I get signals, scanning stops, and I get meter deflection, but no receive audio. If I push and hold the monitor button, I get audio, but not until I do push monitor. In memory position, all is well I believe. Any ideas here? I even turned squelch down to zero, and no audio. Tried speaker / mic, and same thing.
I even turned squelch down to zero, and no audio. Tried speaker / mic, and same thing.
Yep me too (as my post above). I setup a frequency generator and a power meter to test with. Nothing, although the dial says all is OK. Like the VFO is not programmed right, just the display section.

Anyone know how to display the firmware version ?
Is it doing this on both bands or just one? Is it only during scanning? What if you just leave it on a specific frequency? Does it break squelch then?

I just checked the radio, and it looks like the problem occurs only in VFO mode, and in scan or manual tune. Seems to be fine in memory mode. So far.
I told two local friends of mine about this mod for this Wouxun.

After installing it, they both thanked me for it.

So, I will just pass that along back to here:

"Much Thanks; Works great - and unlocked this radio REALLY wide!"

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