Just took a look at the site.
Read the site rules and they seem to be fairly 'normal' or typical for a forum. Couldn't find any time limit restrictions, but there are requirements for registering. They didn't seem unreasonable.
I only glanced at one or two of the threads and they didn't seem any more 'redneck'ish' than most. I know that's not a very good way to judge things, just not a large enough sample. Looks interesting at the least.
Only way to find out the 'why' is to ask, I would think. No idea if you'd get an answer, but I think I'd do'dat anyway.
- 'Doc
Just for general information.
I have officially been 'RedNeck #2' for a great many years. Yes, there is/was such an organization, and to the best of my knowledge, 'we' were never connected to anything other than 'our' organization. Didn't even know about this forum till it was mentioned here.
The 'numbers' were issued by the administrator of the organization. You got no choice. The choice was strictly up to the administrator, and he issued whichever number he felt like giving you. If there was any significance in that number, it was only significant to that administraor, and you took the number or hit the road. That was your only choice. I can tell you that 'RedNeck #1' was never issued. Anyone claiming otherwise is sadly mistaken. (Nicest way I can think of saying that the claimant is full of what farmers spread on fields to help with plant growth.) I can also tell you that 'our' membership was strictly by invitation. There was, and IS, a fee for membership. It varied quite a bit (mine was a beer of the administrator's choice. What kind was it? Can't tell you, it's a secret.).
What has any of this got to do with that forum? Nothing that I know of. It's just for information purposes. Now you know.