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Limited post views?


Nov 8, 2012
I was researching antennas and this site kept coming up. Then, all of the sudden the site blackmailed me, sign up or gtfo.

I like what's on here, but this limited post views without logging in is pretty rude.

I'm sure one of the moderators will respond. You don't want to hear what I have to say to a person with one post who complains about this site and I don't want a time out for saying it. :sneaky2:

Welcome to the forums dyke
I like the content. And I understand blocking image views for those who aren't logged in, but this one really bugged me. There's a wealth of knowledge here, but it's held hostage until you create a user name.
So what's wrong with signing up? I lurked for a long time before I posted for the first time. I've never been spammed by this site.
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I was researching antennas and this site kept coming up. Then, all of the sudden the site blackmailed me, sign up or gtfo.

I like what's on here, but this limited post views without logging in is pretty rude.

No more rude than gleaning the site for info and not contributing anything back. Sort of like spending your time at Chapters reading your favourite magazines instead of actually buying them. this site is set up as a forum for two way exchange of info not just as a repository for readers only.

I like the content. And I understand blocking image views for those who aren't logged in, but this one really bugged me. There's a wealth of knowledge here, but it's held hostage until you create a user name.

Just like I noted above. Life is a two way street. It's no big deal to create a U/N and sign up. There are a lot of sites that will not even let you read anything beyond the main page so we are hardly unique in what we do.
You can always delete the site cookies to continue viewing any site. I do this with a few forums that I have been banned from. Granted, ones anonymity is not something one gives up lightly but wwdx does make it worth your while to log in. If you click on new posts at the top of the screen you can see all new posts without checking each heading from the forum page individually or clicking todays posts and missing half the days posts if you only check it 12 hours into the day rather than at 23:30 hours before the todays posts timer resets.
I would be surprised if he wasn't glad.
This is Indeed a Very good and Very Informative Site.

with Excellent info on all forms of 2 way communications

BTW..Welcome Aboard
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More than likely I would have joined eventually. Though, I doubt my opinion on the matter of this thread will likely not change.
More than likely I would have joined eventually. Though, I doubt my opinion on the matter of this thread will likely not change.

I can see your point but also others,yeah it should be a 2 way exchange in a perfect world, but where does that stop.is it got to be two way quality info or can someone continually type helpful stuff while others type non stop drivel.

I can also understand some people might not feel their input would be appreciated or add to the topic,infact may even cloudy the waters for others,is it so wrong for them to just learn/take until they feel confident of putting in helpfull info.

It pisses me off at times if I just want to browse without anyone knowing that I have to sign in to continue.

Do I feel used if I give good info and only people who are non members use it,of course I don't, anything I type I am happy if only one person appreciates it.

The reality is quite simple, in a technical game like this if you expect to learn something for everything you teach then only disappointment looms.

Is it stealing just lurking and taking,I think not,if you type anything on a computer attached to the net then you are very naïve if you think its not publicly available, I guarantee even the best sources of info on here have done a power of lurking,be it on the net,over someones shoulder or from books,its how you learn.

Funnily enough in my short 45 years on this planet I've never ever met a teacher who expected to learn from pupils,if they did it was a bonus.

Just a few points worth considering as I believe the op had a good point, but a debateable good point.

If your not willing to give help freely is that really the spirit of radio this site wants to promote, as most radio forums are of a vast newbie to average membership,with only a handful of genuine knowledgeable people,are we really suggesting only people with equal knowledge and input should be here.

I always thought radio was about helping those less gifted and if your lucky learning from the few genuinely knowledgeable guys who aren't rectally retentive about sharing knowledge.

Maybe I'm just wrong.
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dyke said:
I like what's on here, but this limited post views without logging in is pretty rude.
I used to be on another VBB site that did that... All you do is clear your cookie from the site and continue viewing :)
(y) This is a great radio forum enjoy your stay!


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I was researching antennas and this site kept coming up. Then, all of the sudden the site blackmailed me, sign up or gtfo.

I like what's on here, but this limited post views without logging in is pretty rude.

Have you been affected negatively in any way in just creating a user account?

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