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lids on lsb and am

Gee, I dunno about that.

its not the best idea, but, it is perfectly legal.

the ONLY band where USB/LSB usage is regulated by the FCC is 60 meters

i KNOW that too....but it's just interesting that an ADVANCE licensee, somebody who has been licensed a LONG time apparently doesn't know that.
another great thing to hear on 10m every spring is when the LONG time hams (many who brag of 40 & 50 years plus with a license) say '....it's great to FINALLY hear 10m opening up. haven't heard anything here in years....'. i feel like SCREAMING jackass, get off your damned computer & realize i'm 600 miles from you & it's friggen sporadic E...EVERY SINGLE SPRING we hear you guys in GA or KY or IN.
unfortunately, MOST cbers (that i referred to in my earlier post) don't know the difference/seasonality between different types of propagation. even more unfortunate is how many licensed amateurs have no clue either.
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I don't consider 10 meters being 'open' unless I can work the world.

Now, that's open!

don't think we will get there during this cycle,....

yep, 24/7 workin the world on 5 watts,.....

after a while,...... it could make you sick:blink:
I thought the only ones who used 10 meters are:

The ones with beacons, beacons, and MORE BEACONS!

And Mid-30's to 40's Male Yuppies using $2000 microphones on $20,000 rigs running 100 watts (or some 2000 watts) into antenna's laying on the ground in yuppie suburbs.
I thought the only ones who used 10 meters are:

The ones with beacons, beacons, and MORE BEACONS!

And Mid-30's to 40's Male rednecks using $2 microphones on $200 rigs running 10,000 watts (or some 20,000 watts) into antenna's laying on the ground in the trailer park.

There I fixed that for ya. (y) We call those folks interlopers from 11m. <can not stand it>
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11 meter is almost dead here in the Netherlands, so not much problems on 10.
More from the Russian cab drivers ad their firms as condx permit, you can finds those then on 11 and 10 on every 5 Kc.

When cndx are really good into the USA i have heard a few interlopers there, not much though, most i work are regular hams.
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With 10m trs being dead from CME the last 3 weeks since Field Day its been quite...Everynow and then hear the latin CBers from 28000am to 28315am...been listing to 28420usb like always.Mainly on 50.125usb,been great...73 de n0zna
With 10m trs being dead from CME the last 3 weeks since Field Day its been quite...Everynow and then hear the latin CBers from 28000am to 28315am...been listing to 28420usb like always.Mainly on 50.125usb,been great...73 de n0zna

I hear the Rednecks on 10 meters too, but lots of those yuppie guys in the suburbs with tiny antennas and 100 watts, and $20K rigs. It's not that I am hating on them, just jealous of the money they got to blow on rigs. I probably won't own one of those expensive rigs until they are considered "antique", if then.... Need to play the Lotto and Powerball more I guess...

I like it when 10 meters is quiet, I don't want to talk to 100's of hams, it's nice to find a small group and chit chat, like less than 10 people.

n0zna how do you like your 2950DX radio? Is it really any good? One of the newest models? I worked on one for a local guy a year or so ago, and I thought it was great, but he took it home and he is an older guy on fixed income (SS) and lives in a trailer park in the middle of town and he says he cannot use the radio because of the noise being too high, the receiver is very noisy, but out where I am at in the middle of nowhere, it's not a "noisy" receiver, it's a sensitive receiver and I like it. Just wondering others opinions on that, if he hasn't sold that radio yet I might could pick it up cheap. I have an older original model 2950, that I got new in 1992, it's in the mobile. I do use 10 meters in the mobile with 1KW and have some fun with that, noone believes it's a mobile!
... hear the latin CBers from 28000am to 28315am...

I spent about 10 minutes on 28.305 usb QRO with the antenna pretty much due south:whistle: ,......... calling CQ in SCOTTIE 1. no answers,............... but,..........

my receiver sure got much quieter**Jump_im**;)**Jump_im**

"WE" really need to use those freqs (28.300 - 28.315) instead of being a little higher in the phone band

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