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What is it with businesses who advertise but don't want to sell?


The Man With No Shoes
Oct 31, 2019
Lately ive been running into places of business who advertise products for sale but when you ask a few pertinent questions instead of directing the customer to the product they have for sale these folks direct you to GOOGLE or get an attitude when you tell them the information link they sent was dead.
Seems Norm from Norms Rotor doesn't want my $1000.00 sale today.


Pray. Ones own attitude thus adjusted bypasses this type of problem with others.

Versus confronting The Great Unwashed of their choice of stupidity or moral cowardice re mask-wearing (their only choices), it’s easier to have it handled above.

This is an example. Not a post about the opinion. We run into those with stuffed ears.

Consider yourself halfway onto another world-line (whatever phrasing appeals).

He was actually helping you.

Wouldn’t want to change horses midstream, right? (There’s something else in the flow ones’ in to which to pay attention . . . is how I read this problem when it occurs in my life).

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Lately ive been running into places of business who advertise products for sale but when you ask a few pertinent questions instead of directing the customer to the product they have for sale these folks direct you to GOOGLE or get an attitude when you tell them the information link they sent was dead.
Seems Norm from Norms Rotor doesn't want my $1000.00 sale today.

View attachment 39901
Curious, did that last message get a reply?
wow, sadly what was once part of taking pride in customer service is getting pretty thin with this next generation. Seems like it's mostly the older generation, the ones that built the businesses that cared.... Now the ones that had the businesses handed to them treat it as just a money maker with little to no pride or care. Hate to see what it'll be like as we move along.
It’s not about him.

It’s your experience.

I find the pattern to be consistent when I look for it. All sorts of “other person interactions”.

Can’t hear or see you. Aren’t listening or looking.

It’s more than a clue.

Other aren’t having “a problem” in the same way. (This is common, not uncommon).

He ain’t the only supplier. Test the supposition. If the best response is lukewarm from one of others, time for a new tack across the harbor.

I’ve gotten stalled, flooded the carb, and had to wait it out.

And gotten a whole different response the very next time.

In life, it mainly ain’t “them”.

(Re-magnetize settings).

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Yes i can buy what i need in several different places not a problem. Had this been a simple conventional tower mounting i wouldnt have asked any questions but is not. Maybe he was having a bad day, i dont know. All i know is i didnt piss in his Wheaties. I asked simple questions and politely let him know the link the provided was dead. I was ready to spend some money but he couldnt direct me to the products he has for sale that i needed, just a dead link and try google with an attitude. Takes 2 seconds to make sure a link is still good or is that asking too much?
Having been in a "Service" type industry for many years.
The Phone is a Constant irritant!!!!
No sooner you get started on something the damn thing 'rings" and your Stopped!!!!
I have dealt with Norm's on several Items, mostly on rebuilds.
(Which he does excellent work!)
Last time we chatted, he has the "purchase info" on his site still, but the higher volume dealers have pretty well wiped out his ability to compete on a "NIB" market.
Not to mention the "inventory" requirements the manufacturers mandate for competitive pricing and turnover. (X# units sold/purchased per month etc. to maintain lowest pricing structure)
I think, except for the Alliance H/D 73 rotor package...(which he now own's that name, I believe)
He gets most of his "rebuilt" stock from trades/exchanges these days, thus he does not sell most rebuilds outright. He keeps them around for people "upgrading" to better model or quick exchange when one comes in for rebuild.
I guess his site can be a little misleading in that regard, but he has left much of that new purchase info for more comparison than anything.

All the Best
As to the link not working...MFJ has rebuilt their webpages and is still working on their new website for their many brands. (personally I HATE their new pages!)
However, what has happened is many of the links, people have stored and have used for YEARS...No longer work!
So just a thought on that.
All the Best

I emailed so he was free to answer my questions/direct me to what hes selling at his leisure. I also thought he might like to know that the link was dead so he didnt keep sending it to potential customers.
I dont generally call if there is email available. I understand the whole phone thing. I find cashiers interrupting the checking out of an in person customer to take a phone call and instead of putting caller on hold the paying customer is put on hold.
I dont know whats happening in this country but i dont like it.
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