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Retro CB Guy
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  • Acquired a Stoner Pro-40. In great shape Repaired S meter myself (thrilled about this) according to Mikes Radio Repair post. Cure the drift issue so it might the open clarifier? Do you have pics/instructions? Can I reverse open clarifier mod or the drift? has "headphone jack" mod also. Memarcecker@gmail.com
    Hi Retro CB Guy, Wasn't sure if you would see the message in the forums. I realize it was an old message but would you happen to still have a file on the 21-527 meter? I have one that needs calibrating and would sure appreciate any info on how to do it which seems impossible to find on the net. I would really appreciate any info you could share. Thank You so much in advance! God Bless and Merry Christmas!
    Hi RCG, I just came across an old message in which you were looking for an SBE Console VI. Is it still the case ? I still own one in working condition... Complete with its specific microphone...
    Can you send me a copy of the inffo you have on the digital rat shack wattmeter to n4dxxradio@gmail.com Thanks
    Retro CB Guy
    Retro CB Guy
    Sure, had to find it first lol. You're in luck so let me know you got it thanks, Retro
    I am interested in buying the Royce 642 base radio. Please send information to, screwdriver07@gmaildotcom
    Retro CB Guy
    Retro CB Guy
    Sorry I don't have it anymore sold it quite a while back... Good luck in finding one and they show up on ebay once in a while !
    Hi,still looking for sbe's? i have 3x console vi's and 1x sidebander vi.one of the consoles has a factory fitted power mic which was an option back then.Can contact me grobler.hilton@gmail.com
    Retro CB Guy
    Retro CB Guy
    I would to know what you have and how well it functions and price etc.... I'm emailing now... THANKS !
    I live in SOUTHERN INDIANA also.. Do you know wolfman over by MEDORA...
    use to be a lot on in WASHINGTON COUNTY, but many have passed.
    Retro CB Guy
    Retro CB Guy
    No can't say that I do, I'm in Floyd county though all my life. I do like werewolves though hehehe....

    I do have the TRS challenger 1400. They are a beautiful base with nice receive. $500.00 plus shipping.
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    Retro CB Guy
    Retro CB Guy
    Thank you very much for replying I'm excited to FINALLY get one so can't thank you enough!!
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