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11 meter is very quiet?

I was on until 6:30 pm when conditions totally dropped out. Didn't seeyour message until today. My wifi doesn't make it to the shack.

I didn't think conditions were in our favor, so I didn't hold out for much hope. Someone said they heard you on 36, I started scanning 36 to 40 and never heard you or anyone getting back to you.
One of us WDXers is bound to make it to Columbia soon.
@Greg T , brother I just about jumped out of my skin when I turned my radio on this afternoon and you were instantly Booming into my radio room!! I believe you were in a qso with someone in Florida.
I'm glad I was able to make the trip to the upper MI. Thanks for the qso. That Stryker still sounds great!
Thanx for the QSO, Brother!! You sounded great up here but mother nature had other plans. We're in the middle of a sleet/rain/snow storm and everyone s fading in and out. I'm sure we'll do it again. Hopefully with better conditions!
The commute home had some pileups on just about every frequency I tried. I did punch through for a few short contacts so it'll do. Expecting those flares to knock things down in the next few but it's not always how it goes. I've had some of the best days before when the forecast said contrary so let's hope for the best fellas.
Got on the air late again tonight. Not much happening except on Chan 36 & 37. Had several long uninterrupted QSOs. It's nice later at night, as the stronger stations can still Dx, and the weaker wannabes can't interrupt much when the conditions are marginal. Plus, the big boys tend to have more courtesy, and not interrupt at all. So long QSOs are the rule rather than the exception. Yesterday evening I talked to 750 Illinois for at least 45 minute on 36LSB. He mentioned that he was born in Decatur , Ill. I lived in Decatur from 1957 to late 1959. My 1st three years in High School. Our QSO was a real trip down memory lane for the both of us. It's contacts like this that make Dxing REALLY enjoyable.

So . . . Happy Easter weekend to everyone. Enjoy your Dxing. I'll be on all weekend ( 36 & 37). Give me a shout-out. 73.

- J.J. 399
Just got home from taking Dad to his doctor's appointment,and doing some food shopping,thought I would fire up the Ranger for a few minutes,gave a shout out on .385 LSB and it was quiet with a few operators on the band,I'm off to take a Nap,might get on later this afternoon and this evening,hope you all have a wonderful and Blessed upcoming Easter with your Family's!!

Just got home from taking Dad to his doctor's appointment,and doing some food shopping,thought I would fire up the Ranger for a few minutes,gave a shout out on .385 LSB and it was quiet with a few operators on the band,I'm off to take a Nap,might get on later this afternoon and this evening,hope you all have a wonderful and Blessed upcoming Easter with your Family's!!

I'm down around the Houston area and pretty much getting East coast NY stuff this week, until about 4p.m. CST - then it's West coast

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