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11 meter mod for icom 706mk2g


Active Member
Jun 22, 2008
n.w. oregon
im going to buy a icom 706mk2g and was wondering if anyone could recomend a shop or a person that does the 11 meter mod to this radio. i know all about the legality of this so no lecture needed.lol. i got a line on one that already has the so called mars/cap mod done but im second in line for it. theres alot of good deals on this radio used but not all have the 11 meter mod. thanx.

1. Remove top cover to access main board.
2. Locate IC chip 4052C-8B99.
3. Set the radio so that you are reading the chip number from left to right.
4. Look just left to the left of the chip to locate 11 solder pads running vertically.
5. Diode D.2030 is the tenth diode down from the top of the solder pads on USA Version radio.
6. Remove diode.​

This mod will enable wide band transmit capability on HF, VHF, and UHF bands. (The radio will also transmit AM mode in the aircraft band with approximately 1 watt at 118 mhz to about 17 watts at 136 mhz.)
clipping the diode is easier said then done in the mk2g. it is a surface mount device, maybe the size of the writing tip on a ballpoint pen, and maybe an eighth inch long or so. 1 method is to squish the crap out of it with needle nose pliers & hope you don't pull up any board traces. the better alternative is to grind the tip of a decent soldering iron to a fine point, re-tin it and with a good light-and even a magnifying glass-unsolder 1 end of the little diode & lift it off the board & tape it or put a piece of heat shrink tubing around it. not really all that difficult. just make sure you do the right diode.
It's been a while, but I found the mod to be quite simple and the SMD very easy to remove.

Using a fine-point solder iron I simply lifted one side of the SMD enough to break the circuit. The SMD remained soldered/attached on the other side.

When I sold the rig, the SMD was easily pushed back down and reattached using the same fine-point soldering iron.
Hey thanks guys for the info. appreciate it. maybe ill just buy a new one. does one need to have the 706mk2g realligned after this mod.???
AA9SH - Fliegende Hirsch

Why waste your 706 on 11 meters? Challenge yourself man and get a
ham licence. Use that 706 for all its worth, without being a scofflaw.
I tried and tossed CB into the trash long ago as have some other
fellows that I know. As for 11 meter pseudo-hams---
I quote am old Jewish proverb:
"If someone calls you an ass- ignore him.
But if you find that you have tall ears-
buy yourself a saddle."
Why waste your 706 on 11 meters? Challenge yourself man and get a
ham licence. Use that 706 for all its worth, without being a scofflaw.
I tried and tossed CB into the trash long ago as have some other
fellows that I know. As for 11 meter pseudo-hams---
I quote am old Jewish proverb:
"If someone calls you an ass- ignore him.
But if you find that you have tall ears-
buy yourself a saddle."

Doing the mod is not "wasting" anything, you're just enabling the capabilities you paid for.
You don't know if the guy asking about the mod is a ham or not.
The argument of type-accepted radios falls on deaf ears, because the difference between legal limit of 4 watt carrier, and the 20watt carrier of such a ham rig is lost in the difference between various antenna gains.
being a scofflaw..

I find this humorous I guess you are making a funny right?

Considering I am on 80 meters quite often and hear the most foul language, sickos talking trash. Behavior that is only rivaled by the worst CB'er I find your critique rather suspect.

Considering that many CB'ers are actually Amateurs working Amateur equipment on CB I find this post funny. I have a group here who bounce from 28.365 USB to 27.365 LSB all day long with the same radios. So are they being a scofflaw? I would say yes since they are all ticket holders.

I hear people on 20 meters acting like fools as well.

I hold a ticket and I have made it practice to not tell anyone unless I am on the air and need to use it. I don't care for hypocrites and many many amateurs are just that. Well most...

I would only tell the person to use that rig with human decency and professionalism. And I would invite him to get his ticket so we can have some real people again on the Amateur bands and not the stuffy old men who think their fecal matter smells like fresh cut roses.

Why don't I use my Extra class call here? Because of people like you, who would try and black ball me because I disagree. Yes it's been tried before.

I do not let the imbeciles on 27.365/28.365 know I am an extra as well, as these idiots are not Hams, they are scum hypocrites. They talk down to CB'ers and act worse than any CB'er I have heard to date. So who are the scofflaws?

I started in CB in 1968

Why waste your 706 on 11 meters? Challenge yourself man and get a
ham licence. Use that 706 for all its worth, without being a scofflaw.
I tried and tossed CB into the trash long ago as have some other
fellows that I know. As for 11 meter pseudo-hams---
I quote am old Jewish proverb:
"If someone calls you an ass- ignore him.
But if you find that you have tall ears-
buy yourself a saddle."

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  • @ BJ radionut:
    those boys in Louisiana going to be hard to live with...working those HI stations...my buddy Greg KK5SW/4 elements @35ft/350 watts...2 HI contacts today!!!! Arnold KE5JXC snagged one also!!!
  • @ Mark Malcomb:
    Hello BJ. Been a long time since I've been on. You doing well? Mark Malcomb
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