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2m frequencies


Active Member
Well I wrote and passed my test on October 4/05 but have only been legal to operate for about 2 weeks, and I must say I don't hear a lot going on with the 2 / 70cm bands, in fact I hardly hear anyone on it at all. HF rocks but 2 meter to me anyway is dead. I just bought a FT 7800 and so far most of it has been dead air.

If anyone in the Toronto Ontario area can recommend some active frequencies it would be appreciated.


QRN said:
Here is a start. WNYSORC RepeatersSome may not be active and there may be others that are but not listed but it should keep you busy programming freqs. for a while.

Thanks QRN I do have 50 pages of repeaters, also IRLP repeaters, but I still don't hear a lot of conversation on any of the bands. Maybe I'm not out in the car at the proper times, I probably would hear more in the evening, but unfortunately I’m working during that time, however that may change soon. :)

I thought since I only live 20 miles north of the 401 I would have heard more, anyway I’m having a blast on HF. I almost got the Galapagos Islands during a net, :D :D but unfortunately my signal was just too weak.
get on the repeater and call for anyone listening,,,,if noone answers say out loud


if that dont get a response start swearing,,,,you will be "heard" then :twisted:
Sonwatcher said:

I agree with Son Watcher.Pay no mind to Hamer,he must be off his meds. :LOL: Hey Joe shoot me a PM with your callsign if you want.20m and 80m are open most nights to your area.Maybe we could hookup sometime.What have you got for antennas for those bands?The best time to hear activity on the repeaters is during the morning and afternoon commutes.Lots of people trying to pass the time while stuck in traffic.
QRN said:
Sonwatcher said:

I agree with Son Watcher.Pay no mind to Hamer,he must be off his meds. :LOL: Hey Joe shoot me a PM with your callsign if you want.20m and 80m are open most nights to your area.Maybe we could hookup sometime.What have you got for antennas for those bands?The best time to hear activity on the repeaters is during the morning and afternoon commutes.Lots of people trying to pass the time while stuck in traffic.

check you PMs QRN ;)
First I'll say congratulations to you Joe for getting your License . Then I'll say that I have quite a few 2 meter repeaters all around me in my area , and I never really hear much of any traffic either ... some Hams just try to stay away from using the repeaters and leave them open for in case of emergencies . :D
Raccoon said:
First I'll say congratulations to you Joe for getting your License . Then I'll say that I have quite a few 2 meter repeaters all around me in my area , and I never really hear much of any traffic either ... some Hams just try to stay away from using the repeaters and leave them open for in case of emergencies . :D

Thanks for the congratulations Raccoon

Yes I have tons of repeaters around me also, and all along my route to work. I do hear the odd conversation but that’s it. There must be 100 repeaters with in a 60 mile radius of me lol I think I have listened in to most of them in the past 2 weeks but not a lot of action, not sure if we have that many emergencies happening to warrant not using repeaters, in fact my club encourages its members to use the 8 they have. ;)

Oh well I will keep an ear out, and I will try the IRLP club repeater tomorrow and see if I can talk to someone in Australia ;)
Drive Time

Listen to the repeaters during the time period where people are driving to and from work. That's when repeaters are used most often. On one local repeater here, a bunch of hams congregate on 2 repeaters in nets and talk about anything and everything. That would be your best bet.

And like HH says, get on the repeater and see who comes back to you if you ask if anyone is listening. Or just say you're listening.

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