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ARRL Bulletin???


W9WDX Amateur Radio Club Member
Sep 9, 2013
I received an email this morning from N7UIC (who I have never talked to before) and the email simply stated "Really SSTV on the ARRL Bulliten!?!?"

First off, I would like to point out that "bulliten" is actually misspelt and I'm still not sure what the point of the email is as he has typed both exclamation points and question marks. Since he apparently doesn't know how to type complete sentences, I can't determine if this is a statement or a question.... Or both?

Secondly, I transmit SSTV intermittently on 14.230 and I always check to see if the frequency is in use before I transmit anything.... I checked this morning.... Didn't hear anything....

I responded to this persons email partly concerned regarding some apparent and evident grammar issues, but I also asked him to clarify if I interfered with another stations transmission.

I guess my question is if someone can clarify if that frequency is used for a bulletin from ARRL? At least that way I can know what this douchebag is talking about...

well, it seems that you had the nerve to use SSTV on the frequency that the ARRL posts as the SSTV centre of operations!

SHAME on you!!!!!,............ don't you know, that even if you listen and don't hear anyone using the frequency, you should just sit there and wait,........ forever.

I guess his "point" is that when an arrl person doesn't follow their own bandplan,.......... it's your problem if you do follow it.

BTW, the arrl site lists this as one of the objects of field day: " Object: To work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17, and 12-meter bands) and in doing so to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions."

to answer your question,..... NO, W1AW or K6KPH (the only other station authorized to transmit the bulletin) do not have any more right to 14.230MHz than you do.

7.3.9. W1AW Bulletin: 100 bonus points for copying the special Field Day bulletin transmitted by W1AW (or K6KPH) during its operating schedule during the Field Day weekend
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I was consumed myself. He returned my reply and said that he was just venting. I just told him to go vent somewhere else. Oh well...
I have never participated in field day and I'm certainly not knocking on others that do, but I didn't realize that was going on this weekend. It was busy on the bands that Psk on 20 meters was completely jammed with folks. This guy was apparently participating with field day activities. I heard a lot of people complaining about field day... The maritime net on 14.300 was counting down to the final minute of it and then started celebrating, LOL.

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One 24hr period a year that the bands are actually almost used to their potential and heaven forbid if it interfere with two farts that need to talk about their bowel movements like they do everyday on that exact frequency that belongs to them.

Know what I do if the bands are too busy with something that I'm not in the mood to participate in? I do something else, but usually I join in.
Know what I do if the bands are too busy with something that I'm not in the mood to participate in? I do something else, but usually I join in.

I agree! Like I said, not knocking on field day, I was just kind of taken back by the random email I got and I think it had something to do with field day but I wasn't sure...

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They sure like talking about colonoscopies.


I have never purposely checked into that net but have somehow managed to check In on three different occasions. I always skim across it and hear someone so I give out my call and it ends up being the net...

I need some suggestions for some good nets to look out for. Got any?

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