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Can someone make my cb dream come true?

Buy a few acres of land next to more empty acres of land on a hill.
No neighbors make good neighbors.
Well it worked for me.

A. I attest, a few acres of land next to more empty acres of land on a hill works the best!

B. Install a quarter wave wire ground plane antenna in the tree. Same basic idea as this video shows. You can make it just out of wire for more stealth:

C. If you still have trouble with the HOA, see answer "A"
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A. I attest, a few acres of land next to more empty acres of land on a hill works the best!

B. Install a quarter wave wire ground plane antenna in the tree. Same basic idea as this video shows. You can make it just out of wire for more stealth:

C. If you still have trouble with the HOA, see answer "A"

or "D" Pack it all up and ship it to me.
Check out the Ice Lightning arrestor - http://www.iceradioproducts.com/impulse1.html
Those are nice but they aren't intended for a direct strike, they'll only protect you from induced high voltages from a nearby strike and other forms of static discharge.

I use Polyphasers and the AlphaDelta ones at my shack for each antenna and each arrestor is attached to 3 eight foot ground rods. It is a good idea to use these but don't rely on them for absolute lighting protection.

Most ads for "lighting arrestors"are misleading.
That's an excellent suggestion!

I'll have to remember that if my HOA comes knocking!
read your HOA rules first, I got around mine by "not modifying the structure". I live on a third floor condo with a balcony that's about 12' wide so I bought a penninger tipper antenna mast, stuck a 10' pvc pipe into it and put a 102" S.S. whip added 3, 8.6' radials and damn if it didn't match the 50 ohm impedance almost perfect (51 ohms) with 18' of RG 8/U low loss direct burial coax and I can get on 10m, 11m and 12m. Good luck
I dealt with this for awhile myself..I found one of those folding big sign supports used in road construction and modified it so it had a 4' piece of fence top post and 4 folding legs then mounted a Imax to another 8' fence post..I could easily set up and take this down as needed. I've even seen a pulley attached at roof line and fishing line through it used to pull up one end of a dipole to 45 degree angle with bottom end attached to a stake in the ground with a small bungee cord!
I have used the A99 in a tree with very good success. Tip was probably at about 30 feet. Used a dipole about 8 feet off the ground with decent success, too.

read your HOA rules first, I got around mine by "not modifying the structure". I live on a third floor condo with a balcony that's about 12' wide so I bought a penninger tipper antenna mast, stuck a 10' pvc pipe into it and put a 102" S.S. whip added 3, 8.6' radials and damn if it didn't match the 50 ohm impedance almost perfect (51 ohms) with 25' of RG 8/U low loss direct burial coax and I can get on 10m, 11m and 12m. Good luck
edited for the length coax 25' not 18 as previously stated.

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