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Coax Cable

On HF, RG8 and RG213 exibit close comparisons. RG213, though, is more flexable and has a lower loss than RG8 on long runs but it isn't much. My stationary cables are Belden 9913. HF cables going to rotators are RG213. The sole reason for 9913 is that I got 500 feet of it very cheaply. :D

Perhaps you do, but that is still not a cheap price for someone with just a simple CB station to pay. And it's not flexable enough to use with a rotor and beam.

RG-213 or even plain old RG-8 is more appropriate.

I paod a bit less for my 500 feet of 9913 than that cost for 100 feet. (I said I got it CHEAP!)

hey hawkeye,on my mobile i wanted a bigger and better coax.i was always running the same coax that came with the 102 whip i used to use.used that also when i used to run a predator 10k.(don"t know what num.it was)

i went to the cb tech here and he gave me this 6ft RG-8 peice of coax.i wasn"t to happy about it being 6ft but he said it would work good.well when i bought my mr.coily enforcer compition antenna i went ahead (and from good advice) and ordered 18ft of RG-213 coax.

thats some real nice coax.made a difference with my setup.my M400 dave made amp runs so much cleaner and cooler.with those other 2 coaxs i was putting out about 800 watts and with this new stuff,beleive it or not,my amp is putting out 1000 watts.

people says its because its running cleaner with the coax and not yet has it gotten even a little warm.with the mr.coily ant.,galaxy 88,astatic 600 meter,battcap,3 optima batts,and 200 amp alt.threw this in because some people say it depends on your setup.

also,i didn"t have to cut the coax at all for swr.i personally recommend the RG-213.
People often over look coax...
thinking coax is coax..
this is not true..

what coax to use depends on a few things..

is it for car or base set up..
to be used with amp or not..
what frequency being used on..

forget rg-8 and rg-59 (both are useless)..
RG-213 is ok..
Howevcer if you are able to use RG-213 then i would suggest something better such as LMR-400..

if is a base set up and one is using lots of power (1000 watts or more) and or also using for VHF and higher frequency's (not just 11 meters) then i would go even better..like LMR-600 or 900
if you have patience and can afford it then get Hardline (but is very hard to work with...you need at least 2 people to deal with it)
The way I look at itis---- if you want to get on the air and can't afford decent coax, use what you can just to get set up-- even mini8 just to get on the air
Of course after that, then definatly upgrade your coax-- and most of the time if money is tight you can find something decent that a local has laying around
I think at a 50 foot run, the thick rg8 would be ok-- then maybey 213-- they are pretty much the same, I think you would only see differences at longer lengths-- but for the average cb'er with coax runs that are not really long 213 is fine-- the main thing is getting the right coax for the length needed-- the longer the coax, the more the loss, the more need for better stuff
rg8 thick 50 feet to 75 foot runs-- 213 a little more maybey-- 120 feet and over I would check out 9913, 214 or lmr400uf
Its a good idea to go for decent coax when setting up a base-- its important-- but everyone does what they can

is way to go..
i am sure it cost more then other stuff out there then..
bet you are glad you still are using it..

if one can not aford it..
then make do with the best you can..

otherwise i say..
get andrews Heliax hardline


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