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cobra 29 ltd classic power mod

King Mudduck said:
Just a change to 1969 final will show you 5 watts more but in order to get the most out of it you have to change the driver final as well as do a few other thing to really make it work. I have a few 29's here and all i ever did was tune the radio to where i was seeing around 25 to 30 watts from a stock final and set the key at 4 to 5 watts and left it at that. My 5 pill Dave Made loves a radio set that way! The only thing a very low key (swing kit)will do for you is make your radio sound over modulated but its your radio so you do with it what you will. And in case you don't know..........have you ever heard a radio that was so loud that you could not understand what they were saying? That's what a radio with a mod kit sounds like unless you turn your mike gain back and then whats the point of installing a mod kit in the first place?

Most of the Dave boxes with the driver built in are designed
to get full output at 5w. You are overdriving the hell out of your amp.
I sent my 29 to the shop in my area. He put in echo/talkback.A v-mod kit in.At the time I was running a texas star 250 with it. He told me it would swing to 60 watts alone. I think he's full of ****, but the again what do I know.Thats what you guys are here for right.
there's all kinds of claims vnsdeacon , all kinds of meters , all kinds of mods,and all kinds of tech's and hack's who do what they do. IM here to help or be helped if I can or sell a radio or amp from time to time. Controversy comes with it as well as many opinions.One minute your sitting on top of the world and the next you can be gurgle ling bubbles in the gutter. Many times your damned if you do and your damned if you don't. (rock and a hard palce) for all I know ? Your 29 just might do 60 watts or somebody else's might do 42 watts ? There are many factors , How was it done in the first place ? You can only really have a opinion on what you know if it was stated how it was done in the first place ? There's really no magic involved with all of this , it either does or doesn't. Many times , I'd personally have to see it to believe it ? Now some tend to go on what the machines say that supposedly tell the truth about what's really going on , others tend to disregard them completely.(which basically means it's not as perfect as it might seem to be) So weather or not your 29 is doing 60 watts or not ? It's what you believe in the end and how your radio is performing for you. All the rest is theroy of why it could or why it shouldn't or just something else's to bad mouth somebody else about. A lot of it is about making those mighty green backs one way or the other.Folks should do there homework before they take any radio to any shop and spend there hard earned money ,this way you might avoid feeling like you got taken to cleaners after all is said and done. (it could help all the same) IM intitled to my opinion as is everybody else with there's , weather you or somebody else likes it or not. I suppose some would rather fight then switch. Happy Holidays
vnsdeacon said:
I sent my 29 to the shop in my area. He put in echo/talkback.A v-mod kit in.At the time I was running a texas star 250 with it. He told me it would swing to 60 watts alone. I think he's full of ****, but the again what do I know.Thats what you guys are here for right.

Depending on how he measured it, its very possible to see 60 watts or more on the very tippy-top peaks, but you'll only see that due to spikes of inductive kickback from the transformer.
Switch kit. I an very much interested in your opinion and every one else's. Thats why I posted my comment. After joining this forum and reading all the different post. It opend my eye's that not all shops are the same.It looks like the norm. is 20...30 to 40 watts for a 29 classic. I just thought it was kinda odd. Happy Holidays to you and your's.

ps:lotts of good stuff here.
W1R3T4P said:
King Mudduck said:
Just a change to 1969 final will show you 5 watts more but in order to get the most out of it you have to change the driver final as well as do a few other thing to really make it work. I have a few 29's here and all i ever did was tune the radio to where i was seeing around 25 to 30 watts from a stock final and set the key at 4 to 5 watts and left it at that. My 5 pill Dave Made loves a radio set that way! The only thing a very low key (swing kit)will do for you is make your radio sound over modulated but its your radio so you do with it what you will. And in case you don't know..........have you ever heard a radio that was so loud that you could not understand what they were saying? That's what a radio with a mod kit sounds like unless you turn your mike gain back and then whats the point of installing a mod kit in the first place?

Most of the Dave boxes with the driver built in are designed
to get full output at 5w. You are overdriving the hell out of your amp.

He could be running very low swing and all carrier. Or his meter could be a bit off.
Then again if the pi input isn't tuned really "tight" you can get away with more drive in.
I've ran alot higher drive into alot of amps and still do... Surprising how much some amps/transistors can take.

I totally understand what your saying though.... 5 watts swinging to 20 plus seems like alot... but 5 swinging to 8 or 10 watts might be ok.
Definatly not the norm these days.. and not the recommended way to go.. but its possible the amp can take it if you consider what type of meter he is using and how much of that 5 watts is actual output power.
Switch kit. I am very much interested in your opinion and every one else's. Thats why I posted my comment. After joining this forum and reading all the different post. It opend my eye's that not all shops are the same.It looks like the norm. is 20...30 to 40 watts for a 29 classic. I just thought it was kinda odd. Happy Holidays to you and your's.

What would be "quote on quote" normal for a 29 tuned would roughly be about 5 to 20 at 100% modualtion . There are also other ways to beef them up for more ,and when I say more I mean bigger finals, There are many tricks of the trade , what might seem more in many cases might just add up to splatter and bleed to adjasent channels and not all on the one your on. Will it work ? Yes it will. Guy's like swing kits and NPC mods , basically low DK with a lot of forward swing , these are more so used when amps are involved. Some like it and others don't. Some will put others down for them and others won't , for the most part , it tends to lean more towards money in somebodies pocket ,one way or the other. Is one better then the other ? In theroy , yes , but in the end , you have to ask yourself , Am I pleased with my radio ? Do I feel like I got ripped off ? ect.ect.ect. CB radio is not a perfect world to me and nor has it ever been in my last 20 years in this hobby. Years ago there was no Internet for others to slander others with words of hatred and what not. Guys are in business and looking for business and the Internet has helped those that are left , the hate and discontent remains the same. Knowledge of how and why things work are freely given.There are many who like to do there own tinkering around with there equipment and there are those that don't mind putting up the cash to have the work done in hopes of better operations and never ever even giving a second thought to what the machines might be saying. It's pretty much about what everybody else was saying in there radios receive that counted the most in the end. These Forums can get very deep into subjects where at times it can be confusing to your everyday average cb radio operator. If it truly means that much to you ? Figure it out then. In the mean time , I can only hope that your radio is working good enough for your likings , for whatever it is you tend to use it for. In my case and for the most part over the years ,it's about having fun. The Internet has been a learning experiance more so on how and why it works and why some ways are better then others and visa versa. it's not iron clan for me , it's about what I like and what I don't like , and weather or not my way is wrong or not ,as long as it works for me ,that's all that really matters...so even if you see it , you might not want to believe it, because it isn't always what you might think it is in the first place, without understanding the whole picture involved. It either matters or it doesn't.

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