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color changing on the RCI-2970N2 type chassis


Sr. Member
Mar 9, 2006
hi all.

recently had a guy ask me to look into changing the color of the display in his 2970N2.

this is the type that has a black background and greenish colored numbers/symbols.

i took the radio in assuming it was done the way they used to do it, but with some sort of a film that made the display look 'opposite'. (i have seen mods before on changing the old 2950's to a black background with orange lettering)

i was wrong, and they have completely changed the way they light the display.
here is a pic of the parts used in the way they do it now.


the white piece sits behind the LCD display.

I have looked for this white part with zero luck.

so, has anyone else had any experience/luck with changing the display colors on a new style 2970?

They sell some cheap EL light up doo-hicky film stuff on eBay that you can cut into whatever shape you want. Would that work?
not sure.

because i had the pieces removed from the radio, i couldn't tell what it looked like when lit.

my guess is that the glass looking LCD display just does black and grey, and this white piece behind it provides the color.

so my thought was to see if i could find one in blue.
if you go to the website listed on the part, you will see how disappointed i was LOL.

i could be wrong on this, and the LCD display itself could be green colored and this white piece just provides a sort of backlight, but im not sure and was hoping i wasn't the only one who had ever opened one of these up.
Odd. Went to the URL seen on the back of the light panel, and got "Forbidden".

Went to Gargle, and it translated the page to english.

Tried the search box with the part number in the pic.

Apparently the applet for the search box gets broken in translation? Gargle hasn't heard of that part number, either.

Sure smacks of a custom-made part, rather than something you'll find listed in a catalog, for sale from stock.

Oh, and yeah. The color of the diffused LED light from this panel determines the display color.

thanks nomad that's what i thought.

i appreciate you trying to find one so i know it wasn't just me.

the way this usually works is first comes the clamoring for a certain part, then they start showing up, so let this be the sounding of the first clamor!

once this part can be sourced, providing they make them in different colors (i just bet they do) this should be a pretty easy little mod.

the next step is to find out what other devices use this part!
i would but that radio went back to the customer once it was fixed.

it came to me with the complaint of no backlight, but the LCD was still working.
the customer asked me to convert it to blue while i was in there.

the problem was actually related to the tactile switch PC board, as it is a plug in part now as im sure you are aware.

one of the pins wasn't making good contact with its socket and was causing some of the buttons not to work. a quick work through with a pick and the sockets were all good.

I just had to take the whole darn thing apart to get to that part number LOL.
well i think this is basically it, but it might be a bit smaller than what is in the RCI radios.


still looking for something colored, but i have seen them with four leads for RGB so if i could find one like that of the right size that would be the way to go.

The Cobra 29LX uses that same sort of scheme for color changing. I have 1 here tore apart for non function of that white panel. Golden Eagle Radios sell a replacement part for the 29LX.

I tried a gargle search of the numbers on mine here and also came up with zilch until I found GER. Volt specs and control may be different from the LX tho. Which mine seems to be a volt problem.

Too bad you still don't have the radio tore apart... some dimensions might be worth comparing!
Hmmm.... by looks from that vid, the LX panel is way smaller!!! BUT.... I now may have an idea to save that radio from the parts bin. Thanks cat!

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