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Computer Question


Staff member
Mar 22, 2001
I bought a new computer with a 250 Gig hard drive. I am running Windows XP media

I have room to add 2 more hard drives.

Can I take the 2 hard drives from my old pc, one 40 gig and the other 20 gig. I was running Windows XP Pro. I just do not want to loose all my info from the old computer hard drives.

How do I go about this?

find 2 extra power leads. then put the 2 drives in. one on the slave side of the ribbon your main drive is on. then the other on the ribbon your cd drive is on. make sure the jumpers on the back of the hard drive is set to cable select. now fire it up.
your all done. you can leave the data there, or move it to your new 250 drive and delete the others or just leave it there.
use the ribbon on the CD drive? There is room and 2 plugs for the hard drives after the main drive?
well usualy there is only 2 ide ports per ide cable. your main hard drive take up one. so i said to hook your other drive to it as slave to teh main. then i figured you probly have a cd or dvd drive on there and there would be an extra ide port on that cabel aswell.

now if you main is a sata drive then you could hook the other 2 drives to ide 0 all by them selves.

now if your saying on your computer there is 2 extra ports on the main cable then yes hook them there fine no problem. then find 2 extra power leads and your all set. you wont screw them up they will either work or not work.

maybe you could post a picture of the inside of your pc.
Hey HH the best way is to hook up the old comp to the new one via etheir net and transfer the data you WANT to save then wipe the old drives and install them on the new comp. then sort out the data how you want. That way you don't wind up with any conflitcs where the drives are corrupted by the new system. ALL DATA IS SECURE!!


P.S. seams like a pain but it is the safest way to SECURE your data:)
That is what I was gonna say too.

If both PCs have an ethernet port, get a network crossover cable and plug them in together and set up a network. It is always nice to have two running PCs anyway.

The main drawback is that data transfer will be slower than if you installed the drive right into the PC.
Thats why I suggested just transfering the data he WANTS to save and wiping the drives before installing them. Then he can load the data he wants on each drive. Of corse it IS nice to have multiple comps. up and running IMHO.


P.S. I currently have 3 desktops up and running plus my laptop :):):)
Chuck said:
Of corse it IS nice to have multiple comps. up and running IMHO.

My personal PC's:

On my desk, I have 2 PC's, both have 512 megs of ram. PC #1 has a WinTV card in it and it has a Matrox g-400 Dual Head Video Card; I run 2 monitors with an extended desktop on that PC, A 20 inch HP "M900" and a 17" Hitachi CM625. PC #2 on the other end of the desk shares the Hitachi monitor thru a KGM switch with PC #1.

I use PC #1 primarialy for watching television or graphics and web design while, #2 is used for internet, e-mail and games.

They are both networked to the other 3 PC's and one laptop in the house.

It pays to "Dumpster Dive" out back at the University's IT department.

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