10 Mtr Radiofun
Tony: Looks like a nice rig. I never had one of those or one with that chassis...but hey got you on!
I would not hesitate to jump in with the 15-25 watt output from that rig and work stations.
10 meters is really a very cool band...when it is open 5 watts can sound like a KW!
I have worked many stations with just 25 watts mobile, and can work them easily.
I have worked the world on
less than 5 watts!
That dipole will shock you when the band is open! Operating 10/12/15 meters it does not take monster power to work worldwide when they are open.
I built a 15 meter XCVR few years back from a kit board and added a VFO...it runs a max of about 2 to 2.5 watts output.
I can check my logs but just from a guess at least 30 states worked including HI and Alaska on my Double Zepp at 35/40 ft. and several times to Euro Land...all from here in good old cornfield Indiana.
When 10 mtrs is open it is a riot!
You will find the most early openings in the 28.3 to 28.5 segment but check up and listen above 28.5 allot of DX works up as high 28.8 so they do not draw such a pile-up.
29.0 to about 29.2 is mostly AM and will be pretty empty unless the band is wide open.
I listen for FM DX starting around 29.5
I have a couple of old Citi-fone SS from the 60's I am going to convert for 10m AM when she starts to open more. I have a couple of Johnson Black-face's with 29.020 and .030 also...15 watts output and had a blast!
Contrary to popular belief it does not take a KW to work coast to coast...even when I have one of my amps on I never have it cranked up more than a couple hundred for 10 mtr usage...you just do not need it!

All the Best