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Drew’s CB Radio Tapes

Unit 194

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2006
New Jersey
Not only did I spend a lot of time talking on the CB radio as a kid, I also spent a lot of time (and money) tape recording the antics of myself and others who happened to be on the channel. Whereas most normal people would have erased and/or discarded these cassettes years ago, I kept all of mine. I have at least 100 hours of CB conversations and probably more.

The “Kids’ Channel” in the southern suburbs of Minneapolis/St. Paul was Channel 14. This is where we hung out most of the time. Occasionally, a channel jammer or agitator would force us onto another frequency. Sometimes, *I* was the channel jammer/agitator in question. Many times, CB Channel 14 was complete chaos! But for the most part, it was good clean fun. It kept us home, instead of being out and getting into real trouble, as many other teenagers did.

From Drew’s Basement CB Archives, here are some real gems. If you think these tapes are the greatest thing you’ve ever heard, keep checking back. I’ll be adding more on this page as time allows. If you think these are crass, crude, and a complete waste of bandwidth, you’re in agreement with at least 95% of the civilized world!

CB Radio Tapes from the South Twin Cities, Minnesota Area | Radio Geek Heaven

Excellent! Since I rarely agree with 95% of the rest of the civilized world, I think these recordings are indeed gems. There used to be some archived CB recordings on the Retrocom site. I don't know if they're still there or not, but they were good, too.

How I wish I'd recorded my early antics on 27 MHz. Thanks for the audio files! Please keep 'em coming.
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Some Aussie tapes from the 80's. A band that went by the name of "The 30 DB's" used to poke fun at some well known loud voices by making songs about them (some with samples of the victims voice included), prank calling them, and other general mayhem.

Warning: defiantly NSFW. Contains crude Australian humor.

The 30 DB's YouTube channel
Great idea!
Some of the old CB tapes I have go back to the 1960s! Mostly kids back in the Bronx yelling and screaming at each other, doing homework over the air, and shouting for long distance ground wave contacts. Lots of folks using CB call letters and tube equipment. You can actually hear those old relays click whenever they keyed up! :)
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Some of the old CB tapes I have go back to the 1960s! Mostly kids back in the Bronx yelling and screaming at each other, doing homework over the air, and shouting for long distance ground wave contacts. Lots of folks using CB call letters and tube equipment. You can actually hear those old relays click whenever they keyed up! :)

I would love to hear them since it does bring back a lot of old memories.
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