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First AM/FM FCC Approval

Your opinion of qrz.com is irrelevant. Wherever it happened to be posted, Glen's comments about the 11M former ham band are spot-on.
I couldn't care less that 11 meters used to be a ham band or not. If it was a ham band today I probably never use it, the only time I am 10 meters is when there is a contest. Anyway no argument here about anything to each his own. All I meant by saying the cb should never have been put on 27 was because it bacame a mess for the FCC and it probably been easier to control if it was 465 MHz. I know that's not a popular statement here on the 11 meter forum but it is true... anyway WECSOG we just agree to disagree.
They do, their called exports...
Or...Galaxy, or President, or Ranger or Anytone ...
Ok here is a question I've thought of but not sure of. I'm assuming 38 LSB on a 10 meter radio is slightly different than 38 LSB on a 11 meter radio and they can't talk to each other. But what do I know, this is only 1 of my money grabbing hobbies. And believe me there are many to drain my fixed income wallet.
Ok here is a question I've thought of but not sure of. I'm assuming 38 LSB on a 10 meter radio is slightly different than 38 LSB on a 11 meter radio and they can't talk to each other. But what do I know, this is only 1 of my money grabbing hobbies. And believe me there are many to drain my fixed income wallet.
The 10M export radios have a multi-position bandset switch. Each position gives 40 channels that different frequencies from the other settings. Out of the box, those settings are all within the 28.000-29.699 10M ham band. Once the "mod" is done, it goes to a different set of frequencies. Typically, bandset position "D" gives the normal 40 CB channels.
Here's an example:
The 10M export radios have a multi-position bandset switch. Each position gives 40 channels that different frequencies from the other settings. Out of the box, those settings are all within the 28.000-29.699 10M ham band. Once the "mod" is done, it goes to a different set of frequencies. Typically, bandset position "D" gives the normal 40 CB channels.
Here's an example:
View attachment 57260
Which Export radio was you thinking of when you made this post which I thank you for by the way ! I was thinking of the Lincoln 2 but I didn't see a band selector switch. If I buy 1 last radio I completely want to check it out and not make any more mistakes. Because I don't have 1 of those trees that grows MONEY ! LOL I would probably just listen on 10 meter for a while to see what it had to offer and see if it prodded me to make a move, but at the moment my plate is pretty full for a wore out old dude. Like the old song said ( If I knew I was going to live to be this old I might have taken better care of myself ) LOL
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USB only used on 10-meter Amateur band.
Real Amateur Radios DO NOT have channels on most bands we use VFO's with frequency readouts.
We are not locked to certain "channels" per-say in most cases.
Just FYI
Too bad I didn't live closer to you guys so I could see your systems. I really don't know anyone around here into Radio CB or HAM. Maybe I'll search around for a local ham club. Your never too old to learn.
Which Export radio was you thinking of when you made this post which I thank you for by the way ! I was thinking of the Lincoln 2 but I didn't see a band selector switch. If I buy 1 last radio I completely want to check it out and not make any more mistakes. Because I don't have 1 of those trees that grows MONEY ! LOL I would probably just listen on 10 meter for a while to see what it had to offer and see if it prodded me to make a move, but at the moment my plate is pretty full for a wore out old dude. Like the old song said ( If I knew I was going to live to be this old I might have taken better care of myself ) LOL
The chart is for a Stryker, but some of the Anytone radios are the same.
The Lincoln 2+ has bandset too, but it is a pushbutton. You can also push in the frequency knob to change step size in frequency selection.
I can recommend that radio btw. I have one and like it quite a bit.
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Which Export radio was you thinking of when you made this post which I thank you for by the way ! I was thinking of the Lincoln 2 but I didn't see a band selector switch. If I buy 1 last radio I completely want to check it out and not make any more mistakes. Because I don't have 1 of those trees that grows MONEY ! LOL I would probably just listen on 10 meter for a while to see what it had to offer and see if it prodded me to make a move, but at the moment my plate is pretty full for a wore out old dude. Like the old song said ( If I knew I was going to live to be this old I might have taken better care of myself ) LOL
Midland 8001XT was a good radio that did AM, FM, and SSB. It was my first sideband radio and it sounded great too! 8001xt.jpg

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