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Forum all bands fall contest.

Lets hope so, that's why I up'd the prize.:D
I will be out doing SOTA on Saturday, 20 metres around 14.343ish... VE6VID
That's a mighty fine "booby prize" !

I'll be on the HF mobile Saturday driving in Az and NM snd Sunday I'll be staying at my folks house but I have my home station controllable via internet control link so I can operate remote.

I'll listen for you guy's and work the ones I can hear.

Maybe we'll all catch you from the mountain top, good luck!
I'm sitting at work on my break. :(

:cry::cry::cry:...Well maybe next week CK...We'll take a shot....I am on just about every morning at 4:30 am EST on 3865....and chat with a group...One op is in Pembroke,Ont on his Vert....so if you get insomnia one morning, give us some noise from VE1 Land:LOL:
We welcome all good op's:rolleyes::LOL:....not sure how I fit into to that though:eek::D
All the Best
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:cry::cry::cry:...Well maybe next week CK...We'll take a shot....I am on just about every morning at 4:30 am EST on 3865....and chat with a group...One op is in Pembroke,Ont on his Vert....so if you get insomnia one morning, give us some noise from VE1 Land:LOL:
We welcome all good op's:rolleyes::LOL:....not sure how I fit into to that though:eek::D
All the Best

4:30 EST? That makes it an hour later for me so 5:30 AST for me. Hmmmmm......that is too late to stay up and too early to get up. LOL You never know however. I work a four days on four days off rotation of 12 hour shifts so I have some time to play with a bit. My days off start with Tuesday this week coming and you never know what will happen. 3865 is a tad high for where I have the 5BTV set at however I am working on a separate 80m antenna. Nothing fancy probably just a full sized 1/4 wave vertical wire or maybe an inverted L for 160m with an 80m trap. I know you gave me your call one time but I forget it now.
And occasionally Cap'Tn Chuck KK6USY(Firerunner) will get up from Calif. and join us for a short time...no net rules....not controlled.... no politics etc...
Just a group having morning JAVA...and enjoying company and radios:ROFLMAO:
All the Best

W9FNB........NOW it rings a bell. LOL It sucks getting old. Can`t remember a damn.........what was I going to say?? :confused:
Well not good for me I pulled a 72 hour shift , will miss contest and Pacificon which is one of the bigger hamfest in Cali. This is second or third year I have had to work during Pacificon.:( CK 1:30 am for me to talk with the 3.865 crew once or twice a week at most for me unless I get up and listen and not hearing BJ very well then I go back to bed.:ROFLMAO:
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Well Tuesday is my first day off and I REALLY could use a better antenna for 80m especially for the bandwidth since the 5BTV is tuned lower. Wx calls for sun and warm on Tuesday so that may be the day I install a trap in my inverted L and a relay switch so maybe Wednesday or Thursday morning I can drag myself out of bed and give it a shot.
Did anyone make any contacts??
Listened on 20m off and on this weekend, never heard any Forum members. Listened for your SOTA on the upper part of 20m, no luck either.

There have been some good DX spots in the last couple days with the Annabon Island DXpedition and Namibia on 12m but signals too weak for me out west.

Sunspots have been at 0 for a week or more, today they're at 13.

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