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help.... live under a bunch of power lines. 9 pounds of noise .. help

First you have to eliminate potential sources in your own home. That entails powering off the mains to your home and running the radio and current antenna from a battery. If you eliminate it then you can turn the power back on and figure out what device in your house is the culprit. If you still get the noise then the source is external of your home. Then it gets fun.

It could be coming from a neighbors house, a bad power line transformer or fuse or just the high voltage lines themselves if that's what you have running by your house. If your a licensed ham and believe the noise is coming from the power lines you can get the power company to send out their noise guy, like I did when I lived in Indiana, and have them locate the source. They replaced the transformer on the pole behind my home and the problem was solved.

If they won't come out for your issue and you can't locate the source, you could try a outboard DSP noise reduction unit. Failing all that you can learn to live with it or move.
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Hate to say your always going to have problems I think , years ago we took a 3 foot fluorescent bulb under the ones behind my friends house when it was misting out an the bulb was flickering .

Sent from my NB09 using Tapatalk

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