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Hey Jay ???????

Jay in the Mojave

Active Member
Apr 6, 2005
Mojave Desert
Hello Robert:

Deleveries will happen when the time is right to purchase the materials and manufacture the antennas. My accountant is now suggesting delaying until 2004, for tax reasons.

Since no money has exchanged hands, your just going to have to wait. The delays have been explaned to you many times. Since I am the "CHIEF" Floor Sweeper, Tubing Cutter, Hole Driller, Guy who puts the little parts and instructions in the plastic bag, Shipping Clerk, and CEO, I thank you for your intrest.

Jay in the Mojave




when can i get my I-10 from you?

when can i get the crusader 5 element for 11 meter from you?

I know you remember who i am(LOL)..

is just dude..

i have been waitting so long (next month will be a year or was it last month...either way has been a very long time..

are your antennas truly still being made?rwmr@excite.com

Jay intends to have the I10k antennas available in Feb. I too have been waiting, and will continue to wait for whatever time necessary. I'm fine running a cheap Antron until his are available.



National XFORCE Representative

I agree , those comments may leave you waiting longer. Jay plans on building them no doubt, and in the past, he has had some problems getting the right materials to push them out at bulk fast enough. I can tell you from my own handling of the antenna that is is a fine made antenna and worth the wait, i can also understand what it feels like to want something so bad and not be able to get it right when you want it, but in this situation, i would want you and others to understand that the is really doing his best to get this jumping as fast as possible for everyone on the wating list, take care.<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smokin.gif ALT=":smokin">


</p>Edited by: <A HREF=http://pub86.ezboard.com/bworldwidecbradioclub.showUserPublicProfile?gid=211inthamag@worldwidecbradioclub>211 in tha mag</A> at: 1/18/04 10:46 am

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