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Home Made SMA Coax Cables

Montana Bauman

New Member
May 3, 2017
Central Texas
Hey guys I was wanting to know where to buy some heavy duty male and female SMA connectors and some heavy duty RG-58 cable. I want to make custom length coax cables for outdoor usage, but cant quite find a online store with the stuff.

Thanks in advance,


No real such thing as heavy duty SMA connectors. They are small and relatively fragile by design. They are meant for small cable like RG-174 and such. Typically you would make a short patch cord to connect to a larger piece of coax cable. Also heavy duty RG-58 does not really exist either for the same reason.... .it is small and suits a certain purpose. Heavier liwer loss cable is any of the RG-8 type like regular RG-8 or RG-213, LMR-400 Belden 8214 etc.
Thanks Caption. My main purpose it to mount my antenna on the outside of my bag through the palls webbing. so what kind of extension cable would you recommend. or just keep it simple and run a basic sma coax cable because im not going past probly 3ft

and thanks Robb
No sir that different. that was prier to me knowing what the sma connector was. then i google bunch of stuff regarding coax and sma. this post is more towards places to by parts to build a proper coax cable for my use.
Mounting an external antenna will have one caveat. It will require a ground plane to make it efficient and operate properly. The handi-talkie uses its frame as the rubber duck antenna ground plane; an external antenna with a mag mount will require a metal surface of sufficient size (~1 ft) to make it operate. Good news is that it is very easy to make a simple dipole for your application and does not require a ground plane. . .
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Then a dipole for 70cm/only will not work. A 2m dipole would be slightly longer than 3 ft, which would make it too awkward in da bush.

If what you are looking for is more efficiency/'reach'; then an aftermarket antenna like the Diamond SRJ77CA is wide banded and has gain. Add a 'tiger tail' to that antenna, and you will have added some ~3db/gain over the OEM antenna - which is considerable.


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Robb and BJ I like the tiger tail concept the best. I did some research on bending dipoles, and it seems to be as long as the antenna is kept symmetrical it all checks out. but of course it makes for a some what more directorial antenna. witch is fine. any recommendation for gage of wire?
Mine is 22ga w/silicone insulation; so it is soft and relaxed.
Will even make the OEM rubber duck antenna ~1db better. Better still with an aftermarket antenna. Tiger tails are used on vertical antennas only; not dipoles.

With your web gear, camos, radio w/headset mic/speaker, M&P-15, and a generous amount of deer urine, you will ready to rock 'n roll next deer season. Or whatever.
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