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there good but not that good. a gainmaster put up right will outperform it right up to the point the wattage goes to over 700-1000w
sirio should come out with a 1500 watt versioin of that gainmastser
there good but not that good. a gainmaster put up right will outperform it right up to the point the wattage goes to over 700-1000w
sirio should come out with a 1500 watt versioin of that gainmastser

I tend to agree with NB here, but I don't think Sirio will ever produce a ham version that will provide legal limit...without somehow making it fully tunable. I don't see that as easy or likely and I sure don't think Sirio would do such just for CB use.

As far as performance goes, all the antennas I have here and compare, my results show them to all be within 7-7.9 average sunits of each other. IMO, that is not enough difference to ever make you loose or gain an advantage with a contact. Other conditions might make that difference, but overall when all is said and done, these vertical antennas are just too close to the same performance to really tell...just using our radios. In fact several prominent radio guys have done technical studies for the comparisons between 1/4 - 5/8 wave vertical monopoles and found this to be true also.
Quite Right..

Mine has Easily Survived Hurricanes ( including a few months ago ) ..

Years ago in a really bad Nor-Easter ..
I heard what i thought was the antenna flopping around on the roof..
Only to see the top of the antenna was folding over and whacking the roof..Following day expected to have a Destroyed antenna but it was in perfect shape..

Years ago in a different Nor-Easter again winds were so bad i doubted if antenna would survive...Following day it appeared antenna had been Destroyed, However when i went on the roof the antenna was in perfect shape except that the Heavy Duty Chimney Mounts were twisted and destroyed like crazy.. So in fixing those heavy duty mounts as well as adding a 2ed set of such mounts.. All was fine again..

This Interceptor I-10K antenna is Expensive ( i will give you that )
and yet...It is Extremely reasonably priced..
For i should have had to replace this antenna at least 4 times now.!

Instead it simply seems to laugh at Bad ( and Extremely Bad ) weather & simply work Exceptionally well..

So are there other antennas that work as well in good weather ?
Well sure..this is simply a very well designed Vertical 5/8 wave antenna.. That as far as i know is Not and likely never will be out performed by another Vertical Ground plane..

However, in order to get an 5/8 wave Vertical Ground Plane antenna to be more Survivable then the I-10K is... Likely could be done if the antenna was instead made of Titanium & well if you think the I-10K is expensive made as it is..made instead of Titanium would make it far far more Expensive !!

Oh and performance wise..
I would compare it to be at least as good as ( if not better then ) a 3 or 4 element beam..
the I-10K just pulls those signals in like crazy..

There are only 2 other antennas that might do as well ( as far as i know ) the Wolf .64 ( which i am told by a couple of who have it is a Extremely Strong antenna as well ) & Mr Coily ..

The new Super Penetrator i am un sure of yet...However.. It does not want to in any way support itself as an 11 meter cb antenna ( and yet you know this is where most of its customers would come from )..

Anyways... Just my 2 cents

Time to put on the rubber boots...may even need chest waders for this one!!!

Without controlled technical data to supprt all the performance claims its just an antenna love fest. :p: Nothing but opinions.

Better than a 3 or 4 element beam? Seriously?
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Yep Ratso, I've been trying to politely tell the "King" we need waders on when he comes on with his stuff about the I-10K for a long time.

I was never disappointed in my I-10K results, but I didn't have any preconceived notions about it either. It was my first effort at really trying to compare the antennas I have.
Yep Ratso, I've been trying to politely tell the "King" we need waders on when he comes on with his stuff about the I-10K for a long time.

I was never disappointed in my I-10K results, but I didn't have any preconceived notions about it either. It was my first effort at really trying to compare the antennas I have.

I understand 100%. I'm not loaded down with test equipment and don't own an antenna range but I know enough about the basic types of antennas to safely assume certain things about them electrically, performance wise.

I stopped feeding off antenna markeing claims and listening to tales of super antennas (the post in question) quite a few years ago. I have no doubt that the I 10K is well built and a solid performer.

Maybe he had his yagi pointed the wrong way? :blink:
the more extreme claims by some of the i10k users/fans are very mild compared to claims for some other antennas . i once read a claim about a omni with a 6 1/2 ft vertical producing 15 s units (90 db) more gain than the i10k . :LOL:
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the more extreme claims by some of the i10k users/fans are very mild compared to claims for some other antennas . i once read a claim about a omni with a 6 1/2 ft vertical producing 15 s units (90 db) more gain than the i10k . :LOL:

BM, if you're talking about Yota, you should know you can't depend on a word out of his mouth. Since you can't prove or disprove his claim, it is sort of a perception kind of thing, right?
yota isn't the only one that i dont trust . i understand honest mistakes , i make them all the time . but some claims just seem to be out right lies by folks motivated by money or nut hugging ..... or both .
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From what you have described sounds like a GAP Titan which I believe is a 10-80m antenna, take a look at one on the internet an see if it looks like it! Have had a lot of 11m base antennas over the past 20 year, Marconi has got into this stuff a lot deeper than I, think he has this subject down pat. There are so many things that affect reception an make one antenna work a little better than another you would not believe it, but on a perfect day which I just when through one for the first time last week, all my antennas were working the same and one was not better than another. I have never experienced this before an I have been playing with this stuff for a very long time. It may have happen before but I didn't have a radio on to experience it! I have a marginal signal that I can hear at my station on 11m most mornings one day I hear the signal fair on my A99, so I think its going to be my antenna of choice, then the next day the signal drops down on the A99 an my I-10K does a better job at pulling it in. I take down one antenna and put up another an try it again, I'm like a dog chasing it tale, but like last week all of them worked good. To me radio wave are like the ocean changing all the time, we are alway trying to catch a wave to ride on...........KB6HRT:cry:
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