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Kenwood TS-850S or Icom IC-756 non pro????


Aug 7, 2011
A local ham here has two radios for sale. A Kenwood TS-850SAT and a Icom IC-756 non pro. The 756 is the original model before the Pro.

Out of these two radio which one would be a better radio? What are some opinions on both of these. I know they are both older rigs and both have their downfalls.

The TS-850 was serviced a few years back by Kenwood Service Center East for leaky Caps on the CAR board and some other upgrades to.

The IC-756 has very low hours and is very clean. He bought it brand new in 2000. It has never had a problem.

Im just looking for some opinions & first hand experience with these rigs!

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My opinion isn't going to help you much for two reasons. First, I'm a Kenwood fan and have owned two of the '850's over the last 20-25 years. The second reason is that I've never even sat down in front of an '756. I've heard a lot of them, the owners were happy with them, but I've got no direct experience of them.
From my experience, that '850 is probably in as good a shape as it can be for it's age, and should do well for quite a few years to come.
My best advice would be to sit down in front of both of them and give them a try, see which (if either) you have a preference for.
Have fun.
- 'Doc
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Hey Doc,
I have always been a Kenwood Fan myself, but I just thought I might adventure out to something different. Im going to go try both radios out and see which one I like the best. Im leaning toward the TS-850S since I had very good luck out of my past TS-450S.
Wish I could find a DSP-100 for the TS-850!

I'm not so sure of the Icom 756, but who knows it might be the one for me!
I'm also not to crazy about all the menus I believe the 756 has.

I will find out here soon and I will post my results.

Thanks for the help!
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If you can find one and want to try that Kenwood DSP then have at it. I honestly don't think I would bother, but that's just me. I did try several DSP filters with the '850s but not the Kenwood one. Wound up only using them very sparingly. A little bit goes a long way and there's really no 'cure' for most of the DSP problems (not sure if that made any sense?).
- 'Doc
go with the Kenwood,i dont like Icoms,had 2 top many...made the mistake getting the 1st one,and was given the 2nd and didnt like it also.The only good Icoms where the 706mk2g and the 718...and forgot the ic2 ht other wise known as the rad shack ht202 and 404 the 440mhz jt...so they can keep there iuc-ems...hehe 73 de JW
While I'm a Kenwood fan and the TS-850S/AT is a nice radio (I own one), if I had to choose between the TS-850/SAT and the Icom IC-756, I'd grudgingly have to go with the Icom.

The simple fact is the IC-756 has more features:

- HF and 6 meters (TS-850 is HF only)
- Built-in digital bandscope feature (TS-850 requires the optional SM-230 for this, which is analog only and hard to find)
- 1Hz frequency display resolution (TS-850 readout is 10Hz, only shows 1hz with remote computer control software)
- Automatic notch filter (TS-850 has traditional manual notch filter)

The filtering on the PRO III may be better though, and the display is in color instead of monochrome. I know someone who has a PRO III locally and it sounds pretty good on the air, even on AM.

Both are rated for 100 watts output and both have built-in auto-tuners.

The one advantage you would have with the TS-850 is that if you can find a DSP-100 to go with it you can get very nice ESSB audio out of it. (Note: the DSP-100 is not just for RX filtering.)

However the DSP-100 is as rare as hen's teeth. I managed to nab one for $400, but most people are asking $600 or more, which is almost as much as a used TS-850 costs.

So yeah, I hate to say it, but the 756 can do a bit more than the 850 out of the box.

Personally I would go with the kenny whopper....one of our forum members sold me on the 850.

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