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Morse code


68 Mag

After considering it, I believe I may try to start out with a General or Extra liscense. The thing is, I dont know CW. How hard will it be to learn CW and all the technical stuff?

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""The thing is, I dont know CW. How hard will it be to learn CW and all the technical stuff?""

It`s just like eating an elephant. You do it one bite at a time.

That's right! One bite at a time. I would advise getting your tech ticket and maybe your CW test done first. Then, take a few weeks to study up for the general test. That will give you time to actually absorb and internalize what you learned.

Have some fun before you try for the Extra ticket, that is nat an easy one.

Remeber, this is all about having fun .

Best of luck to ya.

Though it is possible to get your General or Extra class license first, you still have to pass all of the other written exams. So to get your Extra class license you have to take the Tech (or what ever it’s called now days), General and Extra class license as well as the code test.

The written test are multiple guess, you can find plenty of study guides online and at a local club. If you don’t want to or can’t comprehend the information, you can take online sample test over and over again and just memorize the questions and answers.

There are several morse code tutor programs available. Just spend a few minutes every day and you’ll get it.5 WPM isn’t a big deal. I loaded a program called Super Morse on a work PC. I came in 15 minutes early every day, had a cup of coffee and practiced CW before everyone showed up. I went from saying dot and dash to 15 WPM in 6 weeks. Took the 13 WPM test and forgot everything shortly afterwards. I don’t own a key, and can’t recognize when some one is calling me on CW. Yes even if you’re on SSB, some stations will call you on CW.

Best thing to do is get together with your local club that offers the test and go over with them the schedule. You don’t have to take all of the tests at the same time, you can knock out the written tests, and then you have up to a year to knock out the CW test. Or hope that they will discontinue that requirement.

Hmmm. In that case, I may just start as I had first planned, with a Technician liscense...

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<a href=http://www.mowerloader.8k.com/> The Mower loader</A>
I'm using a program called "Code Quick 2000" to learn the code. Use a search engine to find it on the Internet.

I highly recommend it, it uses stupid (and easy to remember) sound alikes with pictures for the dots and dashes. For example:

Letter "D"

Code _..

Sound alike "DOG didit"

Picture of a dog taking a dump!!

Its really effective for me.



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