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My barefoot station

What's the best mic for my Uniden 980.

  • Stock mic

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Power mic

    Votes: 9 64.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jun 25, 2019
East Tennessee
Just my little station. Don't know the real name of my antenna was told it was called a dominator. All I know made 2 contacts this month with it so must be good to some point.


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mics are all different, and the basic deal is if people tell you you sound terrible on the stock mic, then try an aftermarket mic, not necessarily a mic with an amplifier in it.(power mic)

as for the antenna, with it mounted where it is, your signal propagation is going to be maximum toward the front of your truck.
that means that you should point your truck at whoever you are talking to in order to get out to them the best.
if you mounted the antenna on the front of the truck, it would be the opposite.
I did notice that that I can turn my truck around and make my signal change on my locals I just thought they was pulling my leg. So I can point my truck like a beam? Do I have gain or no?
mics are all different, and the basic deal is if people tell you you sound terrible on the stock mic, then try an aftermarket mic, not necessarily a mic with an amplifier in it.(power mic)

as for the antenna, with it mounted where it is, your signal propagation is going to be maximum toward the front of your truck.
that means that you should point your truck at whoever you are talking to in order to get out to them the best.
if you mounted the antenna on the front of the truck, it would be the opposite.
I did the mod to the stock mic where you take that white sticker off that black peace locals said it was louder. Just was wondering if they was a better mic that paired up with it.
908: LC is perfectly correct. Generally speaking your best signal strength will be off the passenger front corner, second driver front corner.
The flip side worst signal off the rear and drivers side facing direction.
It's all about "ground plane"...more metal between your antenna and the station your tying to reach is generally the better signal path.
Hence this reason my mobile antenna (all band HF antenna) sits about 12 inches behind the cab on a rail across the bed, plus as close to "center of the bed" without blocking my mirror path. This even has some directional issues but much less than rear mounted.
Also the main coil of my antenna sits above the cab of the truck, getting as much of the "radiator" in "clear space" will also help reduce directivity. My antenna extends over 14 ft. high to tip of the whip.
Yes a real tree rapper, but at Hi-way speeds and above 40 mph...no much of an issue.
However the key is, I can work coast to coast and with "Mother Nature" helping even in these Very Marginal conditions(which looks like not much change for many years.) I have worked all over the world from my mobile on a regular basis.
So key on mobile antennas is...most metal in all directions...elevations above body parts obstructions.("antenna in clear space")
Next is one commonly forgotten: Bonding...this means making sure ALL body parts of the vehicle are seen as one. Cab and Bed connected to frame with large grounding straps. Doors, fenders, hood all connected to each other and bonded to frame with bonding straps.
I have done this to my system as well as 2 large straps from my antenna mounting bar to frame of the truck.
Long winded as per normal, but think you'll get the idea.
Enjoy- Have Fun
All the best
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thanks so much to BJ for posting all that info.

908 welcome to the entrance to the rabbit hole LOL.

you are going to find every bit of info you are looking for and then some on this forum.
I will warn you ahead of time that much of the info you will read here will put you at odds with your locals, as CB myths really have a hard time dying out completely.
for microphone poll i chose power mic. just my perference
1 /xtreame 2018 power/ echeo mike
2/ ranger 198 noise canselling mic
imho these two mics are the best overall sounding mics that are advailable today
there are others you can find used on ebay but id stick with these two
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I run an old school Turner pm on mine and it sounds crystal clear.
On the antenna, personally, I would have opted to mount it on the front bedrail behind the cab. The antenna is tall enough shouldnt have to much trouble with reflect. I ran a 102" ship this way and for awesome signal reports.
I’ve got a couple of those DM-452 mics. Mine are wired 5-pin for my older radios but same mic.

I get good reports on them only when the radio’s mic gain is set mid position or lower. Also only when control on mic Is barely open. And only on AM. Folks say they sound good BUT ONLY ON AM. Bad reports on SSB.

These can be built to match your radio by emailing him...
Maybe a little more than you were wanting to spend, however will provide MUCH improved audio over any cheap power mic.
Audio intelligibility is much more important than VOLUME!

Most certainly for SSB usage!
Don't fall into the local crowds concept of LOUD and PROUD idea of what sounds good.
Most power mics tend to yes, add gain, however most INCREASE distortion when they create volume. They also tend to bring up background noise also, which is counter to usage mobile.
The 980 has built in mic pre-amp for gain and a noise cancelling microphone, thus unless your running it wide open and it still lacks gain the addition of cheap power mic will most likely add more distortion rather than voice range audio gain.
I am sure others have ideas, however adding small amount of real compression, and the ability to "enhance" your specific voice will provide much better results. IMHO
No inexpensive power mic will give you the results your trying to achieve.
My 2 cents worth.
Most modern Amatuer radio transceivers now have this type of EQ built into the radio to specifically tailor this for the user. There's a good reason why. They work well.
GL Have fun
All the Best
I did notice that that I can turn my truck around and make my signal change on my locals I just thought they was pulling my leg. So I can point my truck like a beam? Do I have gain or no?

No. You just have less loss in your good direction. Mobile antennas generally have zero gain or less on 11m.
Mobile antenna suggestion:
The 54" fold over stick with the RM11S load using a ball mount type set-up work really well!
I ran one of these 30 yrs ago and service was excellent.
Many Hams use these also by changing the loads for other frequencies.
IMHO for pick-up truck usage they are overlooked, by many in lieu of other BIG COIL designs.
They preform well and are very rugged.


All the Best

These can be built to match your radio by emailing him...
Maybe a little more than you were wanting to spend, however will provide MUCH improved audio over any cheap power mic.
Audio intelligibility is much more important than VOLUME!

Most certainly for SSB usage!
Don't fall into the local crowds concept of LOUD and PROUD idea of what sounds good.
Most power mics tend to yes, add gain, however most INCREASE distortion when they create volume. They also tend to bring up background noise also, which is counter to usage mobile.
The 980 has built in mic pre-amp for gain and a noise cancelling microphone, thus unless your running it wide open and it still lacks gain the addition of cheap power mic will most likely add more distortion rather than voice range audio gain.
I am sure others have ideas, however adding small amount of real compression, and the ability to "enhance" your specific voice will provide much better results. IMHO
No inexpensive power mic will give you the results your trying to achieve.
My 2 cents worth.
Most modern Amatuer radio transceivers now have this type of EQ built into the radio to specifically tailor this for the user. There's a good reason why. They work well.
GL Have fun
All the Best

Well said Gary. People need to get over this idea that a power microphone is better than a stock mike because it is louder. Louder is not necessarily better. Yeah I know I know.....this is 11m and I speak blasphemy but it's true. Most modern radios have more than enough audio gain and thus an amplified microphone is NOT necessary. If the audio response of the microphone is better then the overall sound will be better regardless if the microphone used is amplified or not. Many amplified microphones sound like crap compared to the stock mike and vice versa. The reason is NOT whether the mike has an amplifier in it but rather the quality of the microphone element and associated circuitry.

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