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New Icom IC-7300 Approved


Ham Radio Nerd
Apr 14, 2002
The Icom IC-7300 HF rig is now available for purchase at about $1500.

This interesting rig is one of the few rigs that is architected using direct RF sampling instead of the traditional superhet design. Other features include a touch screen control, real-time spectrum display and audio scope. While I haven't seen the rig in person yet, I plan to go to HRO and try it out as soon as it's in stock.

Is anyone planning on purchasing or considering this rig? If so, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.
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I am definitely keeping an eye on this one. There's always the concern that adopting Rev 1 from Icom will require some updates, but the fact that this has already been in production in Japan for a while lessens that somewhat. Bang for buck, it is at a great price point. I too will be visiting my local HRO once they hit the shelves and see how I like it. It *may* take the place of my IC-7410 one day but I will wait to see what the early adopters have to say. Maybe by Christmas :)
wanna bet the price will drop about $300 after Dayton?

Right now you can buy the European version with 70 Cm for 9400 Hong Kong dollars, 1050 GPB VAT included (approx$1205 US)
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From what I see, I like it and think its a lot of radio for a very nice price. $300 less would be even better! Most Rigs with spectrum display like that go for lots more $$$. I will still wait to see more reviews from actual users in future before purchasing but definitely going to keep an eye on this one!
My boss is going to order one here any day now. He was looking to buy one yesterday but I no one has them state side yet. Or he said he couldn't find one stateside, only out of Japan. I let him know they haven't been released yet as far as I know. Can anyone possibly verify this??
But he will have one as soon as they become available. He just buy an Icom ID-5100D, and maybe 3 months or so ago got the kenwood ts480sat LOL! He is on a radio buying spree!!
He is very impressed with the 5100d, but just about like like everyone says, why no color screen?
At any rate, hopefully I'll be able to give a review of one here soon, as I am sure I'll be helping with the setup of this one!! I talked him into this radio, so hopefully it's all it claims to be for the price point of $1500. Maybe the price will drop once they hit the states, but he doesn't care either way.
I may sell a few of my radios and get one if the one he gets is nice! So we will see! At any rate, again, soon I'll try to get some more info and possibly a bid or something about one as soon as I can get my hands on the one that my boss is going to get!! If anyone knows whew to get them state side now, please let me know!! I am pretty sure they haven't been released yet here, but just want to ask anyway. Have a good one to all!!
It has been FCC certified and the radio is "released", just not in stock yet. All the major distributors have officially been taking orders with a ship date of at the end of this month (March). There has been a lot of interest so it is hard to say what the supply to demand numbers are and how long the actual ship/wait times will be.
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I still think Price wise the FT-1200 is a better option....
NEVER NEVER buy a Brand new model Car or electronics either....
Need I mention the IC-746/pro....most back to the factory 2 or 3 times before issues resolved...and the're still blowing up (drivers and finals)...new screens Unobtainable! :(
Similarly the IC-756 series..Both series had .screen issues and final Pa problems....
Look at for sale ads (all say Clear screens/Full output all bands :)...
Also FT-991...those issues now fixed with second/third production runs (screen and software issues)...
So just saying beware of brand new first production equipment...
Sometimes there are "BUGS" to work through...
All the Best
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When I look at this rig and the specs I drule just as I did when the first yaesu 897 hit the market, many many moons later I finally picked one up about a month ago and completely rebuilt it to like new condition then did the mars/cap mods, I love this rigs options, performance and portablity, what I like most is the cast aluminum enclosure and the overall heavy duty aspects of the yaesu, the next addition to my shack other than another 20 more feet of tower will be this Icom ! Building a 5 band cube quad right now between the rain drops here so 73s to all and I will post when I get to key up that Icom, Ken
I bought mine at Dayton and just at the last possible minute.... we were leaving for home before noon! Had it sent to me from DX Engineering and paid 1459 with free shipping!
Great radio! Receiver is very clean and hears most everything with the right antenna. I can tune my 75 meter dipole for 6 meter work and made several contacts in June.
For short wave listening this is great, one can 'see' the band up es down from center frequency! It is scalable from + or - 10 kHz to + or - 500 kHz.... that's one meg!
My word on this is that it is better than most any SDR based rig, receiver or transceiver. Touch screen is very easy to use but could be a tad larger. Compact size, much the same as the Icom 718. Screen is quite adaptable to looking different, even mundane like ordinary transceiver with no waterfall or scope display. The rig is so neat that is is like having my first transceiver or exciting as my license class upgrade!
Waiting on the up and coming versions of this, maybe the IC-7350 or IC8300, IC9300?

73 Rod KB8DNS aka mechanic
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its a fantastic hf radio. i love mine. it replaced my kenwood 2k
put the 2000 back in the box. having lotsa fun with the 7300

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