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New to HAM, need advice please




I am in the process of researching ham radios. I've been looking on the net for about 3 weeks and have not found the answers to my questions.

I am looking to get a decent setup for a beginner, at a good price. I found the ICOM 2100h at ham radio outlet for $129.99. This radio is 50 watts on 2m. I want the ability to talk nationwide (US), and further, if possible. I found a local ham radio outlet (tigard,oregon), and went in to ask questions. The guy told me that with the 2100h the farthest I could talk would be about 15 miles, unless there was a repeater, then maybe 100 miles. So, this does not sound like what I want. He suggested the IC 706MIIG, but I do not want to spend the $849.99 right now.

I guess my question is, what should I get to get the most out of my money. Would a 2m satisfy a beginner, or will I rarely hear anyone and get bored with it? I'm a college student, so $150 is about all I can do for the radio. Should I look for another radio, or ...? I would like to get something that I will be able to use for a while and not get bored with.

Last question, I see the 2100h can transmit from 144-148Mhz. Does this mean you have 4 million frequencies to talk on?

Thanks for any help


Lots of questions for one post. I’ll get it a try.

50 watts on 2 meters, with a descent antenna is only good for 10 ~ 15 miles. It will depend on terrain and your elevations. Going through a repeater will extend your range quite a bit; again it will depend on the repeaters location and elevation.

Though it is possible to talk to stations across the country on 2 meter FM, it is not very common.

The ICOM 706 will give you a lot of capabilities. It has frequencies that will allow you to talk all over the world, how ever you will need antennas (several antennas) to utilize all of the bands available. If you’re new to ham radio a 2 meter hand held radio would be the best bet. Practically every place in the world uses 2 meters and you can pick up a used 1 very cheap. Going through a repeater can allow you to make contacts over great distances. In most communities there are nets, a scheduled time and frequency, to discuss different topics. You can start participating on one and get involved. Field day is coming up soon, hook up with a local club and make some contacts on a bunch of different radios, see what ya like. Not every one likes the same things.

Your last question can be answered in several different ways. There are band plans and customs on 2 meters or any band for that matter. There are portions allotted for FM, CW, SSB, data, Satellite etc.

In the FM portion of the band the channels are spaced 15 Khz apart (?), on SSB and CW you just get as far away from the next stations as not to interfere with them.

Hope I answered some of your questions.


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