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Not quite ready for prime time. Clone army.

Think about the up side, your local annoyer is on your home channel making a nuisance. Then he gets one of these and his power is Divided by 40. You can now hear the stations he would have been drownig out with all that bad bad 11 meter power focused on the channel your trying to talk on.
I suppose but we know how well people actually listen. LOL I still see zero practical use for this except to stir up crap.
If I had one, I would use it responsibly. And I understand everyone's concerns, I wouldn't want 40 channels locked down either. If not for the risk of mayhem, it could be a benefit. People don't monitor 9 and locals probably won't be on 19. But in a time of crisis where the cell phone has no signal, increasing the chances of making contact by 39 could pay off. If there were any locals on any channel, they might hear it. But I can only say what I would do if I had it.
increasing the chances of making contact by 39 could pay off.
Unless of course a whole bunch of other CB'ers in the same area also have the same device and use it for the same "responsible" purpose in an emergency.
Suddenly it isn't very useful anymore because all 40 channels will have multiple stations all calling any other station, creating a ton of noise and interference, and rendering any benefit null and void.
If I had one, I would use it responsibly. And I understand everyone's concerns, I wouldn't want 40 channels locked down either. If not for the risk of mayhem, it could be a benefit. People don't monitor 9 and locals probably won't be on 19. But in a time of crisis where the cell phone has no signal, increasing the chances of making contact by 39 could pay off. If there were any locals on any channel, they might hear it. But I can only say what I would do if I had it.
I don't think it would work like you think. A legal CB @ 4 watts carrier ÷ by 40 channels is only 1/10th of a watt carrier per channel. Even a hot export @ 20 watts carrier ÷ by 40 channels is only 1/2 watt per channel. This isn't going to help call anyone to your aid.
I don't think it would work like you think. A legal CB @ 4 watts carrier ÷ by 40 channels is only 1/10th of a watt carrier per channel. Even a hot export @ 20 watts carrier ÷ by 40 channels is only 1/2 watt per channel. This isn't going to help call anyone to your aid.
It seems it's possible to run an amp with some types of these things. If you go back and see my post number 4 in this thread, I detail a scenario I dealt with personally where a station in California wiped out most of the band here for nearly an hour with distorted rock music every 10 KHz.
We also had a station that 399 referenced who was playing hip-hop on multiple channels. That station came in as strong as S9 between channels 34 and 39
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It seems it's possible to run an amp with some types of these things. If you go back and see my post number 4 in this thread, I detail a scenario I dealt with personally where a station in California wiped out most of the band here for nearly an hour with distorted rock music every 10 KHz.
We also had a station that 399 referenced who was playing hip-hop on multiple channels. That station came in as strong as S9 between channels 34 and 39
Unfortunately this thing with an amp is an option...
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Unless of course a whole bunch of other CB'ers in the same area also have the same device and use it for the same "responsible" purpose in an emergency.
Suddenly it isn't very useful anymore because all 40 channels will have multiple stations all calling any other station, creating a ton of noise and interference, and rendering any benefit null and void.
What if everyone else all had an emergency at the same time? What if everyone else didn't?
A part that serves no useful purpose.
No, it would be useless for emergencies during high solar activity on the CB band.
You better have a better plan then that if the shiyt hits the fan.

That thing could get you a lot of attention with a big amp behind it.
Just don't know if it is as much as you wanted when someone comes knocking on the door.....

I agree not ready for prime time.

11 meter may become all but unusable some day. Thanks Uncle Charlie for throwing in the towel. Your tax dollar$ at work................
If this got popular, it would push some operators to venture into the amateur arena, which is nice. It will also cause some operators to put away their radio and turn their back on a great, but dying, hobby. I hope he's just flexing his muscles on this and wouldn't push it. His message doesn't seem to indicate intent to murder the hobby, just showing the ability to do so.
Is that square wave output open-collector to allow the factory loop to be locked 50% of the time? I've been trying to figure out how hammering the varactor diode from one extreme to the other with a rail to rail square wave wouldn't just put it out of lock and prevent it from landing on a specific channel, but then I thought, if the PLL was actually locked for 50% of the time, just maybe? And what about the other 50% of the time when the output is active? I wouldn't think the varactor should get railed there either as it would land on some oddball frequency and that would get mixed in too, so that has me thinking the output is a negative voltage that forward biases that diode and completely kills the VCO for that 50% of the time.

And why not just inject it into a mixer directly? I would love to know the reasoning there. Is it that by using the VCO oscillator as a mixer, the loop mixer after it gets another crack at pushing those mixing products out further or something?

This one is quite interesting nomad. Like many of your posts, this kept me distracted all day lol.

Do you have any spectrum shots? How is the power distribution throughout the 40? And outside the band? Does it only work good with the radio in the center of the band or does it cover all 40 regardless of the channel setting? I see you have a crystal on that board... Lots of questions here but I'll keep this short.
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For emergencies only, like mars modding an hf rig.

Useless for that unless you scan the channels after every call since they can hear you on every channel but you can only hear them on ONE channel.
Not the case, these things work on receive equally well. Got an Oz version of this thing in my GE cybernet, if I cop a lot of crackle splatter from another channel I flick the mod on and they come thru clearly. I then often ask what channel they are on if I want to keep talking to them. They tell me and I go to that channel, turn the mod back off, and converse with them in the normal way. Loz!
Thankfully for the radio community most of the population has been effectively lobotomized by tv and public education so they will never grasp how to inject a 10hz square wave into the vco.
It is a great responsibility to have this godlike power, mere mortals cannot be trusted with it.
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