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Jul 13, 2005
Custer, Kentucky
What do you guys think is better

A Low Dead Key with a lot of swing say 2DK Swing 45 or more DK then the swing?

I hear alot of stations that run a watt or not even that and swing and their choppy and sound like shit.


I prefer high dk and then a little porsjon of positive modulation.
I run my Pres George with 20w dk and topping it with a pos modulation, if i go 30w it starts to modulate negative.

Why is many operators over here so focused on low dk and high swing, is it a fenomen of ssb wannabe?

Im just curious, idont understand quite the point
Your deadkey should really be around 1/4 of your peak power. You can do more or less carrier if you want and it will work fine. When you lower the carrier too much, it does sound like crap, but for some reason there are people that like to do that. Running an amp that requires a low carrier is really the only reason to do that.
I usually go with the 4:1 idea.

If the radio does 30 watts AM, then I set the carrier at 7-8 watts on DK. Works just fine that way.

But, it will also work just fine with a 3 watt DK and swinging to around 25.
Probably depends on what you run. Older tube radio's seem to have a 50-60% carrier to peak ratio. When I run my 2 pill I like to have a 70-100 watt dead key with a peak swing of 350 er so. Some radio's do sound crappy with too low of a dead key.

Didn't know anyone was starting an argument... I don't want a scientific answer just an answer from a regular CB'er in here...

Don't know why u think u'd be starting an argument.

No Arguements wanted here either

i have found the times one sets it so there is less swing
will (whether realised by them or not) typiclly are already starting to over moduate/distort the signal
(for is likly the finals are being taxed beyond their true design paramiters..

i have found a ratio of 3 to 1 or ratio of 4 to 1 works well for most cb's and export radios

when one gets to ham radios

it usally has ability to transmitt at 100 watts on am or fm
so going with those formulars one should see 300 to 400 watts on SSB swing

yet i still only go to 100 watts in full swing
(a built in limiter no doubt....likly to keep the radio from drawing many more amps as well as to futher protect the finals)

Most importent is to be sure you do not go too far so as your dead key is whatever number and your swing going backwords

this for sure will over drive the finals and you will not sound good at all
pointer said:
What do you guys think is better

A Low Dead Key with a lot of swing say 2DK Swing 45 or more DK then the swing?

I hear alot of stations that run a watt or not even that and swing and their choppy and sound like shit.

I here the same time you do about Low Dead Key and a lot of swing.. All I can say is that a lot of guy's like to OR already run an AMP.. with LOW DEAD KEY and Swing behind it. Then you have guy's that LIKE TO MAUL it.. MYself I like a LOW Dead Key with SWING..
DXman said:
I usually go with the 4:1 idea.

If the radio does 30 watts AM, then I set the carrier at 7-8 watts on DK. Works just fine that way.

But, it will also work just fine with a 3 watt DK and swinging to around 25.

Same here, although I usually push it a bit to 5:1. Still keeps good audio quality, and with care it can be done without adding any harmonic distortion to the audio. More than 5:1 will tend to begin adding distortion, which increases quickly as you push it harder.

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