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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2014
San Francisco Bay Area
I have done some portable radio work but usually around AC power / and generator. I want to do some QRP work either back packing out in my 4x4 or out on the quad. I don't want to risk running the battery down on the 4x4 or the quad, so i decided to build a small battery box. Now this is not an original idea a lot of us have done this before. I got my idea from a buddy who bought a box from POWERWERX and I built mine a lot like theirs but i used a smaller box to be more compact.

I started the build with a ammo box from Harbor Freight, on special the cost 3.99. I cut some bracing out of the lid to mount parts that follow. I ordered a volt meter, usb charging port and a 12v power socket from Amazon. This came with a 3 hole face plate and the wiring with fuses. Cost 19.99. I then bought a battery from BIOENNO POWER. The battery is a 12V, 9Ah LFP Battery (PVC, BLF-1209A) cost is 99.99 plus 6.00 shipping. Bioenno Power got the battery to me in two days by UPS. They did a great job of packaging. I also ordered a charger for the battery NOTE these batteries take a special charger cost 19.99. The battery weighs just 2.6 pounds and comes with Anderson Power Poles installed which just so happens that what i use for battery connectors.

Box with custom go fast stickers LOL.




Hope you like the build.

Moleculo, are you talking about a solar panel? I don't have a solar panel at this time. I did do a on air test the other day. Ran the radio for 6 hours making contacts at 5, 10, 20 and 40 watts but a lot of the time was listening but did have 3 or 4 15 min qso's. starting voltage was 13.3 at the end it was 12.9 and i charged my phone from 2%to 85%.


Thats the battery and if you click on the battery only it will list the charger if thats what you wanted to know.
Nice box. My setup was 20ah with option 10amp solar charge controller with MC4 connectors on outside of box. I used a 3 pin polarized aircraft style plug.. 50 call plastic ammo can.. I always date the batteries.. I also have a metal fat 50cal can with dual 7ah batteries that my KW TMv-71a actually bolts into with external antenna connector. I can hook together and end up with 34ah.


Great build K3ACZ, looks like about the same size box. I started to put my connections on the side. Have you used it and how long does the battery last? I need to post a picture of the inside of my box , totally forgot to do that.
Never ran full out to test. Based on just AH and using 50% usage as not to kill battery.. Figure 1 hr of straight deadkey (conservative) at 50w if running in 34ah configuration.

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