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Postal insurance

not sure how ups and others handle there insurance? yet but the post offiice i found that if you file a clame you need the original receipt and proof that this is what is on the receipt for the item that you are insureing i shipped a few packages out and did not have this so i wasted my money on insurance since i had no original receipt i am sure i am not alone here just a heads up and good to know you think they would tell you this when you ask them for insurance yea rite :?

I always ship USPS, insured with delivery confirmation and also hold on to the reciepts until I either see it had been delivered or I hear from the buyer. Good advise skipshooter.
how many receipts do you need? look at whos running the post office. i am sure you can make a receipt
What do you mean here Skip ? The receipt you get from the Post office after you send your stuff with insurance/confirmation ? (would never throw that away until whomever received it ) or the original receipt for whatever the item was that you sent ? for proof of value ? thanks
Insurance sucks with all the shippers,

I insured a Yaesu FT-920 I shipped to a guy. It was insured for what he paid me, $1000 dollars. Hw said it arrived and didnt work and we should start a claim, I went to the post office and they wanted my receipt for the insurance which I had then they want proff of value so I showed them the copy of the UNITED STATES POSTAL MONEY ORDER that the guy paid with and they said, thats not proof of value we need the actual receipt of the radio! WTF I SAID that thing I bought used with no receipt and the value is the guy paid 1000 dollars for it!

She said no that is not a proof of value so I showed her an AES catalog for the price and she said that is not proof of value. So after I argued with her I finally said fine are you denying my claim right here? She said what do you mean>? I said ARE YOU DENYING MY CLAIM? She said I need proof of value, I said I want you to give me a letter that your denying my claim. She said I am not denying it sir, I said then why will you not let me file it! I said your a clerk at the post office you cannot deny the claim you just take what info I have and then the main office determines. She finally shut her big fat mouth and let me file my claim. I told them they should not be able to offer insurance unless tthey ask for the proof of value up front before paying for the insurance. Flipped her the finger and walked out!

In the mean time the asshole that bought the radio was blaming me for selling him a bad radio, he said the receive was bad because when he unscrewed his coax and just left the center pin of the PL-259 in the radio the receive was fine but when he screwed the PL-259 on the receive dropped off and the built in tuner wouldnt tune.

I called him on the phone and said either your coax is bad or your antenna was bad, he said I was wrong, hes been a ham 40 years and knows his antenna was good.

I asked him to just try it on another set up, guess what, that asshole extra old bastard had a bad antenna and coax, insurance sucks and stupid people suck!
I must admit , IM a Priority mail USPS kind of guy with confirmation (basically to always cover my own a$$) You know ,so I don't have to hear "I never got it bull$hit" at least it will give "you" proof that you sent the item. This has been somewhat of a rough year so far for "me" and the USPS , weather I shipped it or someone else shipped it to me , it has been moving slowly both way ? go figure ? I swear by Priority mail but it sure sucks when the USPS makes me look bad because of there slowness at times :( 9 times out of 10 I pack my stuff to wear you could throw it off a roof and things should be OK there after ,especially when you send it Priority and the next thing you know your getting mail from buyers wondering where the goodies are , that's about when I get a lump in my stomach :( I think for me ,I can only do the best that I can and be as honest and up front with buyers , that's why Ebay and even Forums have feedback sections , what more can anybody else do in these kinds of situations ? IM sure there are those that have eatten it from time to time :( it happens ,but if it happens to many times , I think it might me time to do something else. I must admit , dealing with strangers in a Internet situation can be tough to go , a rock and a hard place comes to mind........and in the end , we who care about our transactions with others can only do the best that we can in all fairness. $hit happens a lot , but what is even sadder then that is that $hit is born as well , and I would personally care not to deal with a walking talking turd if I don't have to.
I would like to add one more thought to help.

ALWAYS ALWAYS use tracking or delivery confirmation, and hold them for at least 60 days.

Gaypal requires you to have a track or delivery confirmation.

I sold an item on egay and the guy paid with gaypal, about a month later I get a email from paypal of a dispute, the guy said he never received the item, it was i think the 29th day after the sale. gaypal says you only have 30 days to file a dispute I think. Luckily I save all my delivery receipts in a file. I sent a response saying he was a liar, in those exact words :D

dispute was closed that fast
i said to the clerk how do you know what the product is worth she told me i needed a original receipt and proof this was the product on the receipt witch made no sense i could have 2 or 3 of the same items and ship the bad one then collect the insurance as long as i had a receipt showing the item lol no more insurance
un less i have all the paper work :evil:
better to just send it with delivery confirmation or signature confirmation witch someone has to sign for but then again they never check my ID when i have had to sign for an item

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