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President Grant Classic Confusion

My old Grant was not a "classic"; it was an original. Man did it talk and listen! It looks like this should be just as good. I'm excited to see what Exit13 has in mind :)
your "new" grant is a completely different piece of electronics than your grant export. not saying it won't be great, but it will be different.

oops, my mistake, sorry.
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your "new" grant is a completely different piece of electronics than your grant export. not saying it won't be great, but it will be different.

I bought it not knowing that is was a "classic". When it arrived, I didn't notice the label right away. What are the pros/cons between the two?
Thanks for the link, Midnight. Unfortunately, none of those radios are either my original nor this radio, lol.

338 - I've been mostly on the upside of deals, but you can't win them all; I'm human. I'm not above admitting my mistakes or impulses. It happens. All you can do is learn from it. I seem to recall an old episode of the Rifleman where ole Lucas McCain said (paraphrased) a man doesn't look back after making a deal; accept the deal that you made with someone and move on.

My hope is to clean up some of those cold solder joints and eek a little more performance out of her.
Both the original President Grant export and the President Grant "Classic" export are the same basic board, just a different revision level (PC-999AB vs. PC-999AE for example) and the added ASC (automatic squelch control). They both mod in pretty much the same manner.

Think of the Grant Classic as an "updated" original Grant export, if you will.

In other news, I am just about done mapping out a swing mod for the radio that should work. I will post it soon.

I need to just send that pc122xl to you exit!! I'll pm you and get your addy and just send it dang it!!
Thanks ex13!

Pc122xl was my first side and radio! I loved that little rig! It packed an awful lot into a small package. I had some genius with a golden screwdriver modify it when I bought an amp from him, and it did not even sound understandable! I went in and re soldered
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Oops - fat fingers!

I re soldered the transister he clipped and it was back to being crystal clear. I recall that SSB was always really nice on that radio.

I've had a ton of cb and ham radios over the years. Then I stopped cold turkey back around 1999. I sold or gave away most everything, but I have alway kept my ticket current.
Cool. I curentlt run an Icom 746 and a sirio vector 4000 for base station. No mobile setup currently. It's sitting in the closet and consists of an optima mk3 and a magnaforce 350HD. Great SSB radio as well!

My favorite base was my Yaesu FT-902dm. It was tube output and transistor receive. The audio was just phenomenal! I built a Skelton Cone with a 4:1 balun and hung it in trees at about 125' at the apex and ends slopes to 60'. Each of the four legs was 126' long. It was resonant at 1.993mhz for a group I hung out with on 160M, but with my 989c I could tune it anywhere. It was a monster on 17M! It also had a little gain on cb ;)
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The trip is coming up in a week and a half already. I need to grab some parts for the antenna install ASAP. Hopefully I can scare up a 5' black SkipShooter antenna, and a stainless steel through bumper mount, locally.
at the risk of talking to myself here, lol... The mounting of an antenna has been a total PITA, hehe. I mounted it on my BackRack of my truck, where it sits atop my bedrail. I had to jump through hoops to get this to work, but it's mounted. I also attached some braid from the shield side to the body about 4" away. My DC ground is great. No shorts in the coax. RF ground will be one of those "it is what it is" things, since I know that this isn't the most ideal location. I am trying to get back my old top loaded Skip Shooter 5' antenna from a buddy, but that doesn't seem likely. I need to find a top loaded replacement of 4-5'. The local shop has a Skip Shooter but just the 4' clear... kind of ugly on my truck. I'm running out of time on this one... leaving Thursday.

FWIW, I threw on an old 10M hustler whip and used my 989c to tune it. There's a ton of skip out there. I half expected to hear nothing, lol. I didn't try to make any contacts yet, but I'm already disappointed in the output of this rig on the dummy load. She is a far cry from my old Grant DX... for now :)

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