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shack in progress

that would be a good thing scott.. lol...
ok well i am runnning the 706mkIIg at the present time.. with the 440 under the desk.. on 2m i am running a 5ele beam. i have a 120 inverted v up which cant see in the pics. a 6m dipole an a 2/440 dipole for fm work.. with the imax 2000 laying on the ground waiting to go up for 10m.. thats about it.. nothing fancy but it works.
Photoshop Photo?

It goes against the grain having a neat and tidy shack...in fact, it looks TOO neat and tidy. Could this be an XYL posting the photo after she went into photoshop and got rid of the mess that most shacks are in?? Perhaps it's a clandestine group of XYL's from coast-to-coast and their diabolic plan is to trick us into cleaning our shacks...hmmmm.
KB1NLJ said:
no thats one thing that i like also.. a SOMEWHAT neat shack.. so aint running around trying to find that thingy ma giggy ...

Okay, but I'll still keep my eyes open should the XYL's of America align thereselves with SPECTRE, or even worse - "THRUSH" (I shudder to think of that partnership). In the meantime, I put in a call to the ARRL "Special OPs" division and they're coming your way. They were very interested in my story of a Ham with a neat/tidy shack. Don't worry, the tests they do on you won't hurt (well...most of them anyways) and by the time they leave, you'll swear up and down that you were abducted by a UFO (thus settling the nerves of many messy shack owners - After all, you were probed in outerspace, so the neat shack story will be lost in the shuffle)

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