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Site Upgrade, lots of new features

How can one change the page color theme?
Can't find it in all of this charcoal - lol.

It looks like this feature was deprecated. The best I can do is create a different theme for those that have a hard time with this one and allow you to select it.
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I never like change and getting used to something new. I did not like the last revision years ago but got used to it. I did notice I check stay logged in but every day I have to log in again.
I did notice I check stay logged in but every day I have to log in again.
Same on my phone, PC is no problem. Pretty sure it'll all get worked out in little time though. It's like installing a new radio in your truck, just takes a little time to learn the functions and remember what button does what.
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That's the thing. It WAS broken. The site softwate hadn't had a major update in almost 10 years. It was unsupported and subject to hacking, malware, bots, etc. We were getting attacked by Russian hackers every day. So we all have a choice...get used to what is considered by the online community as the premier forum functionality, look, and feel, or risk getting the site and your personal info compromised. There is more going on here than your petty gripes about your cheese that got moved.

Since we now know that the changes were badly needed, and not just to have the latest and greatest new sparkly thing, it's easier to accept them.

Thanks for protecting the site and our info.

Lol wow. I found it but what a pain in the ass to get to now.
Upper left and you have to go to 3 pages to get to messages.
Well I just logged in on my phone instead of my laptop. Yes believe it or not some of us like the functionality of a REAL computer instead of all these damn mobile site configurations. On my phone I simply click on the little envelope to see messages, then click on SEE ALL and there they all are. Not three pages to navigate thru. You think YOU don't like change? Try being an admin that has to handle EVERYBODIES gripes and bitching about something not working like it used too as well as trying to learn everything all over again just to be able to help someone that is ungrateful.
I never like change and getting used to something new. I did not like the last revision years ago but got used to it. I did notice I check stay logged in but every day I have to log in again.
Hmmm...i'll have to look into that. The login is saved in a cookie, so also check your browser security settings.
Well I just logged in on my phone instead of my laptop. Yes believe it or not some of us like the functionality of a REAL computer instead of all these damn mobile site configurations. On my phone I simply click on the little envelope to see messages, then click on SEE ALL and there they all are. Not three pages to navigate thru. You think YOU don't like change? Try being an admin that has to handle EVERYBODIES gripes and bitching about something not working like it used too as well as trying to learn everything all over again just to be able to help someone that is ungratefu
The Admins here volunteer our time and we spend hours every week doing this.
Well I just logged in on my phone instead of my laptop. Yes believe it or not some of us like the functionality of a REAL computer instead of all these damn mobile site configurations. On my phone I simply click on the little envelope to see messages, then click on SEE ALL and there they all are. Not three pages to navigate thru. You think YOU don't like change?
There is a lot that goes on behind the front page that No one sees, we spend hours dealing with spammers , reported posts, hackers, moderating content, all the day to day fun things.
And we do this, and have done for years just because we want a place for everyone to be able to share info about radio.
I have been involved with this in one way or another since Dean started Chargers Castle many years ago.
A few of you remember when we hosted on EZBoard, we used to deal with DOS attacks, mass spamming, pornographic posting, sometimes logged into the forum 24 hours a day to keep a eye on things.
This new updated software is light years ahead of what we used to deal with.
And, looking forward there are more things to come.
Give it a little time.

I like it and would buy more beers if I could.

I asked last week about the members pics on home page, and whatever you guys did, I can now see who they belong to.

Two minor things -
• I would like to be able to delete threads that I created w/o admin approval.
• I would like to be able to collapse the groups in the forum, i.e. I do not read any of the amateur radio threads, previously I could collapse that entire group.

Neither of these are a big deal, and I appreciate the admins and frequent contributors here. Much appreciated.


I like it and would buy more beers if I could.

I asked last week about the members pics on home page, and whatever you guys did, I can now see who they belong to.

Two minor things -
• I would like to be able to delete threads that I created w/o admin approval.
• I would like to be able to collapse the groups in the forum, i.e. I do not read any of the amateur radio threads, previously I could collapse that entire group.

Neither of these are a big deal, and I appreciate the admins and frequent contributors here. Much appreciated.



To be honest, I don't like the idea of users being able to delete threads w/o approval. In the past there have been too many times someone started crap and when it got out of hand deleted their thread and pleaded the 5'th. We are all adults here. If someone makes a false statement, just admit it and move on. Don't worry about trying to hide it and all the comments pointing it out.
It looks like this feature was deprecated. The best I can do is create a different theme for those that have a hard time with this one and allow you to select it.
Thanks, Tim.
It would have been nice; but it's not really that necessary.
At first, I couldn't find it. So I just thought that it was right in front of me yet I'd just missed it. Now I know better. No big-ee . . .
Regular text font was smaller. I went in my personal settings and made it bigger. Still smaller, but workable for now for sure. No pain, no gain. Upgrades part of the game for sure.
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