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Texas star won't key, 1600 sweet sixteen


May 31, 2016
Purchased brand new, came converted, finally got it all hook up and when I key up- nothing happens, tried turning up all the way to a 70 watt dead key and swinging 200 with a dx98vhp and still nothing, no relays clicking or anything, any ideas?

Purchased brand new, came converted, finally got it all hook up and when I key up- nothing happens, tried turning up all the way to a 70 watt dead key and swinging 200 with a dx98vhp and still nothing, no relays clicking or anything, any ideas?
Eh,posted in wrong spot
No worries, it will be ok. Don't start a bunch of multiple threads though as the mods aren't too keen about that.
As far as your amp goes, Where was it purchased? I would be calling them and making sure that the conversion was done. Also, Have you checked all connections? Coax, connectors, power and ground wires, and fuses as well? And are you supplying it with enough voltage and amperage. Also the radio you are using may be a bit much for this amp. This may be JMO, but I think all you need is about 6 watts of Dead Key (carrier), on AM, and about 50-75 watts max pep. Or whatever it takes to make the amp key up at about 1/4 of the total output. And SSB you truly only need about 40-50 watts max. Again, these are JMO. You may have already damaged the amp by throwing too much dead key into it. You might have a bad keying circuit now or some other burnt parts. Not truly sure and I am no amp tech so I'll leave it at that.
I'll venture to say that you have blown something though by putting a 70 watt dead key from the radio into the amp as well as 200 watts of pep power. But like I said, I'm not an amp expert. I'm sure one of the better qualified gents will help more when they read the post. For now, take the amp out of line and check all the fuses, both externally and internally if there are any inside the amp. If there is a void if opened sticker on it, leave it and send it back under warranty. Again, JMHO. Read up about these new Texas Star amps and you'll find that they aren't what they used to be as far as the transistors went. The Toshiba 2SC2879's were a much more rugged transistor than the DEI ones being used and would take some punishment. The DEI (die), trsnsistors are pushed too hard they let the smoke out!! Anyhow. Sorry for the long post, and hope some of this helps. Have a good day sir.
Do yourself a big favor though, and check out some of the videos of the new Texas Star sweet sixteen and you'll see what I speak of about the power ratings as well. Hope you get it resolved. Again, have a good one and be safe.
Well, I don't remember exactly what I started at with a deadkey but I thought I remember reading it would take a 100-300 watt deadkey, or maybe that that was the swing, anyway, shouldn't I have heard anything like the relay click at least one time before anything blew?
It depends. Could be simple or it could be a lot. Won't know til the top is opened up and the inside of the amp is gone over.
Update, lol from what I could tell it was already converted when purchased, but apparently according to the seller it was not converted, and the old conversion guide I was looking at is not accurate, so now I have to find one for this newer model
Here's a pic I took at an earlier time

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