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Switch Kit

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
I was wondering if this site could have a "Modifications" Topic section ? Or could I answer my own question ? That you don't have one because many mod's are not a perfect science ? I've always enjoyed different types of mod's and learning new ways to accomplish things concerning my radios. Even though not all is perfect in the minds of those that know the differances , it's been fun over the years. Did I answer my own question here ? Thanks

your right , but like I said before ,the more I think about it ,I more then likely answered my own question from the get go. With the way I have read the do's and not's around here for the last year or so , this forum tends to lean more towards the scientific facts and why the other ways or a waste time according to theroy, I can deal with that to a degree , really don't have much choice around here not to , so I suppose in the long and the short of it , controveresy is what it is. some folks like Ameritron and some folks like X-Force and Dave Made (whoever made it) In scientific theroy or not ,folks just like what they like weather it goes against Einstiens Theroy of relativity or not. Reminds me of a guy who went to A.A. one time , he would go back and forth from time to time over the months and years and finally he realized that A.A. had really screwed up his drinking )-: it really wasn't so much a bad thing as it was more so a good thing in the end , I suppose he started to see things about himself he really hadn't realized over the years.........good ole conscience can be a real kick in the a$$ from time to time. I guess you could say ,he really just didn't know what he didn't know .......he only thought he did.
Your wish is our command, your even the Moderator. Let us know if you need help setting it up.
That's great , maybe some could learn how to do a few things for themselves ? picture perfect or not (-: hope it might work out ? Peace
I guess I'll plug mr. theroy with an old chianees proverb.

you can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, or you can teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime.

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